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如何获取 Apache POI 中单元格数字的格式化值?

[英]How to get the formatted value of a number for a cell in Apache POI?

I wanted to get the value of a Numeric cell as a simple string.我想将数字单元格的值作为一个简单的字符串。

Suppose there the type of cell is numeric with value 90% .假设单元格的类型是数值为90%数值。 Now I cannot use cell.getStringCellValue() as it will throw exception.现在我不能使用cell.getStringCellValue()因为它会抛出异常。 I also cannot use cell.getNumericCellValue() as it will return me .9 and not 90% .我也不能使用cell.getNumericCellValue()因为它会返回我.9而不是90%

I want to store in db which is of type varchar2, so I want the value in string only.我想存储在varchar2类型的db中,所以我只想要字符串中的值。

I cannot change the cell type in xls as its the end user job, I have to handle this in code itself.我无法将xls的单元格类型更改为最终用户的工作,我必须在代码本身中处理这个问题。

Also formatter does't work well as there could be different cell types in the xls...dd:mm,dd:mm:ss,formula etc.格式化程序也不能很好地工作,因为 xls...dd:mm,dd:mm:ss,formula 等中可能有不同的单元格类型。

All I want is that whatever the cell type is I need to get its value as simple String.我想要的是无论单元格类型是什么,我都需要将其值作为简单的字符串。

You can force the value to be returned as a String using the methods below您可以使用以下方法强制将值作为字符串返回

HSSFDataFormatter hdf = new HSSFDataFormatter();
System.out.println (hdf.formatCellValue(mycell));

will return "90%"将返回“90%”

The API for this method is at http://poi.apache.org/apidocs/org/apache/poi/ss/usermodel/DataFormatter.html#formatCellValue%28org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell%29此方法的 API 位于http://poi.apache.org/apidocs/org/apache/poi/ss/usermodel/DataFormatter.html#formatCellValue%28org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell%29

This works directly even with an HSSFCell即使使用 HSSFCell 也可以直接使用

it worked for me even when my Cell is an HSSFCell即使我的 Cell 是 HSSFCell,它也对我有用

i've also tried this cast - which works.我也试过这个演员 - 有效。

HSSFCell cell1 = (HSSFCell) row1.getCell(2);

HSSFDataFormatter hdf = new HSSFDataFormatter();
System.out.println ("formatted "+ hdf.formatCellValue(cell1));


cell.getRichStringCellValue ().getString();    

Have a look at this example 看看这个例子
Here is Doc 这是文档

The following code is using current apache poi versions of 2021. Now DataFormatter can be used for XSSF (Office Open XML *.xlsx ) as well as for HSSF (BIFF *.xls ) formats.以下代码使用 2021 年的当前apache poi版本。现在DataFormatter可用于XSSF (Office Open XML *.xlsx )以及HSSF (BIFF *.xls )格式。 It should be used together with FormulaEvaluator to get values from formula cells too.它也应该与FormulaEvaluator一起使用以从公式单元格中获取值。

import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.*;

import java.io.FileInputStream;

class ReadExcel {

 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

  Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(new FileInputStream("Excel.xlsx"));
  //Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(new FileInputStream("Excel.xls"));

  DataFormatter dataFormatter = new DataFormatter(java.util.Locale.US);
  FormulaEvaluator formulaEvaluator = workbook.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();

  String cellValue = "";

  for (Sheet sheet: workbook) {
   for (Row row : sheet) {
    for (Cell cell : row) {

     cellValue = dataFormatter.formatCellValue(cell, formulaEvaluator);
     System.out.println(cell.getAddress() + ":" + cellValue);
     // do something with cellValue


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