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[英]Grabbing the href attribute of an A element

Trying to find the links on a page. 试图在页面上找到链接。

my regex is: 我的正则表达式是:

/<a\s[^>]*href=(\"\'??)([^\"\' >]*?)[^>]*>(.*)<\/a>/

but seems to fail at 但似乎失败了

<a title="this" href="that">what?</a>

How would I change my regex to deal with href not placed first in the a tag? 我该如何更改我的正则表达式以处理未置于a标签首位的href?

Reliable Regex for HTML are difficult . 可靠的HTML正则表达式很难 Here is how to do it with DOM : 这是使用DOM的方法

$dom = new DOMDocument;
foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagName('a') as $node) {
    echo $dom->saveHtml($node), PHP_EOL;

The above would find and output the "outerHTML" of all A elements in the $html string. 上面的代码将找到并输出$html字符串中所有A元素的“ outerHTML”

To get all the text values of the node, you do 获取节点的所有文本值,请执行以下操作

echo $node->nodeValue; 

To check if the href attribute exists you can do 检查 href属性是否存在,您可以执行以下操作

echo $node->hasAttribute( 'href' );

To get the href attribute you'd do 获取 href属性,您需要执行

echo $node->getAttribute( 'href' );

To change the href attribute you'd do 更改 href属性

$node->setAttribute('href', 'something else');

To remove the href attribute you'd do 删除 href属性


You can also query for the href attribute directly with XPath 您也可以直接使用XPath查询href属性

$dom = new DOMDocument;
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$nodes = $xpath->query('//a/@href');
foreach($nodes as $href) {
    echo $href->nodeValue;                       // echo current attribute value
    $href->nodeValue = 'new value';              // set new attribute value
    $href->parentNode->removeAttribute('href');  // remove attribute

Also see: 另请参阅:

On a sidenote: I am sure this is a duplicate and you can find the answer somewhere in here 在旁注:我确定这是重复的,您可以在这里的某个地方找到答案

I agree with Gordon, you MUST use an HTML parser to parse HTML. 我同意戈登的观点,您必须使用HTML解析器来解析HTML。 But if you really want a regex you can try this one : 但是,如果您真的想要正则表达式,可以尝试以下方法:


This matches <a at the begining of the string, followed by any number of any char (non greedy) .*? 这在字符串的开头匹配<a ,后跟任意数量的任何字符(非贪婪) .*? then href= followed by the link surrounded by either " or ' 然后href=后跟用"'包围的链接

$str = '<a title="this" href="that">what?</a>';
preg_match('/^<a.*?href=(["\'])(.*?)\1.*$/', $str, $m);

Output: 输出:

array(3) {
  string(37) "<a title="this" href="that">what?</a>"
  string(1) """
  string(4) "that"


$regex_pattern = "/<a href=\"(.*)\">(.*)<\/a>/";

why don't you just match 你为什么不匹配



$str = '<a title="this" href="that">what?</a>';

$res = array();

preg_match_all("/<a.*?href\s*=\s*['\"](.*?)['\"]/", $str, $res);



then 然后

$ php test.php
array(2) {
  array(1) {
    string(27) "<a title="this" href="that""
  array(1) {
    string(4) "that"

which works. 哪个有效。 I've just removed the first capture braces. 我刚刚删除了第一个捕获括号。

For the one who still not get the solutions very easy and fast using SimpleXML 对于仍然无法使用SimpleXML轻松获得解决方案的人

$a = new SimpleXMLElement('<a href="www.something.com">Click here</a>');
echo $a['href']; // will echo www.something.com

Its working for me 它为我工作

I'm not sure what you're trying to do here, but if you're trying to validate the link then look at PHP's filter_var() 我不确定您要在这里做什么,但是如果您要验证链接,请查看PHP的filter_var()

If you really need to use a regular expression then check out this tool, it may help: http://regex.larsolavtorvik.com/ 如果您确实需要使用正则表达式,请查看此工具,它可能会有所帮助: http : //regex.larsolavtorvik.com/

Using your regex, I modified it a bit to suit your need. 使用您的正则表达式,我对其做了一些修改以满足您的需要。


I personally suggest you use a HTML Parser 我个人建议您使用HTML解析器

EDIT: Tested 编辑:经过测试

Quick test: <a\\s+[^>]*href=(\\"\\'??)([^\\1]+)(?:\\1)>(.*)<\\/a> seems to do the trick, with the 1st match being " or ', the second the 'href' value 'that', and the third the 'what?'. 快速测试: <a\\s+[^>]*href=(\\"\\'??)([^\\1]+)(?:\\1)>(.*)<\\/a>似乎可以技巧,第一个匹配为“或”,第二个为“ href”值“ that”,第三个为“ what?”。

The reason I left the first match of "/' in there is that you can use it to backreference it later for the closing "/' so it's the same. 我之所以将第一个匹配项“ /”留在其中是因为以后可以使用它反向引用以结束“ /”,因此它是相同的。

See live example on: http://www.rubular.com/r/jsKyK2b6do 参见以下示例: http : //www.rubular.com/r/jsKyK2b6do

preg_match_all("/(] >)(. ?)(</a)/", $contents, $impmatches, PREG_SET_ORDER); preg_match_all( “/(]>)()(</ A)/?”,$内容,$ impmatches,PREG_SET_ORDER);

It is tested and it fetch all a tag from any html code. 经过测试,它可以从任何html代码中提取所有标签。

The following is working for me and returns both href and value of the anchor tag. 以下内容对我href并且同时返回href标签和href value

preg_match_all("'\<a.*?href=\"(.*?)\".*?\>(.*?)\<\/a\>'si", $html, $match);
if($match) {
    foreach($match[0] as $k => $e) {
        $urls[] = array(
            'anchor'    =>  $e,
            'href'      =>  $match[1][$k],
            'value'     =>  $match[2][$k]

The multidimensional array called $urls contains now associative sub-arrays that are easy to use. 名为$urls的多维数组现在包含易于使用的关联子数组。

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