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为什么此Objective C代码会泄漏内存?

[英]Why does this Objective C code leak memory?


I have this method in Objective C: 我在目标C中有此方法:

-(NSDate*)roundTo15:(NSDate*)dateToRound {
    int intervalInMinute = 15;
    // Create a NSDate object and a NSDateComponets object for us to use
    NSDateComponents *dateComponents = [[NSCalendar currentCalendar] components:NSMinuteCalendarUnit fromDate:dateToRound];

    // Extract the number of minutes and find the remainder when divided the time interval
    NSInteger remainder = [dateComponents minute] % intervalInMinute; 
    // gives us the remainder when divided by interval (for example, 25 would be 0, but 23 would give a remainder of 3

    // Round to the nearest 5 minutes (ignoring seconds)
    if (remainder >= intervalInMinute/2) {
        dateToRound = [dateToRound dateByAddingTimeInterval:((intervalInMinute - remainder) * 60)]; // Add the difference
    } else if (remainder > 0 && remainder < intervalInMinute/2) {
        dateToRound = [dateToRound dateByAddingTimeInterval:(remainder * -60)]; // Subtract the difference

    return dateToRound;

This is how I call the method: 这就是我所说的方法:

item.timestamp = 
    [self roundTo15:[[NSDate date] dateByAddingTimeInterval:60 * 60]];

Instruments says I am leaking a NSDate object when the following line is executed: 仪器说执行以下行时,我正在泄漏NSDate对象:

dateToRound = [dateToRound dateByAddingTimeInterval:(remainder * -60)];

So it is my item object I need to update with a new corrected NSDate. 因此,这是我的项目对象,需要使用新的更正的NSDate更新。 I tried by making a roundedDate and returning it like this: return [roundedDate autorelease]; 我尝试制作一个roundedDate并按如下方式返回: return [roundedDate autorelease]; , but then I got a bad access error. ,但随后出现访问错误。

The problem is that dateToRound is being passed in as a reference to one object and you are setting it to a reference to a different object. 问题是dateToRound被传递为对一个对象的引用,而您将其设置为对另一对象的引用。 The original object is now abandoned and has been leaked. 现在,原始对象已被丢弃,并且已经泄漏。

You should create a new NSDate * and return it instead of reassigning dateToRound . 您应该创建一个新的NSDate *并返回它,而不是重新分配dateToRound

Sample code: 样例代码:

-(NSDate*)roundTo15:(NSDate*)dateToRound {
    int intervalInMinute = 15;
    // Create a NSDate object and a NSDateComponets object for us to use
    NSDateComponents *dateComponents = [[NSCalendar currentCalendar] components:NSMinuteCalendarUnit fromDate:dateToRound];

    // Extract the number of minutes and find the remainder when divided the time interval
    NSInteger remainder = [dateComponents minute] % intervalInMinute; // gives us the remainder when divided by interval (for example, 25 would be 0, but 23 would give a remainder of 3

    // Round to the nearest 5 minutes (ignoring seconds)
    NSDate *roundedDate = nil;
    if (remainder >= intervalInMinute/2) {
        roundedDate = [dateToRound dateByAddingTimeInterval:((intervalInMinute - remainder) * 60)]; // Add the difference
    } else if (remainder > 0 && remainder < intervalInMinute/2) {
        roundedDate = [dateToRound dateByAddingTimeInterval:(remainder * -60)]; // Subtract the difference
    } else {
        roundedDate = [[dateToRound copy] autorelease];

    return roundedDate;

Some class methods may return a new object on your behalf. 某些类方法可能代表您返回一个对象。 Check the documentation, but my guess is that dateByAddingTimeInterval does. 检查文档,但是我猜想dateByAddingTimeInterval可以。 That is to say the object returned is not set as autorelease . 也就是说,返回的对象未设置为autorelease In which case you would need to release it yourself. 在这种情况下,您需要自己release它。

I have found Instruments to report some things that aren't that intuitive. 我发现Instruments报告了一些不那么直观的事情。 Don't get me wrong, it's a great tool and awesome that you are using. 不要误会我的意思,它是一个很棒的工具,而且您正在使用。 But even some of the sample code from Apple reports leaks. 但是,甚至来自Apple的一些示例代码也报告了泄漏。

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