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C#:如何操纵List <String> 使用LINQ或LAMBDA表达式

[英]C#: How to manipulate List<String> using LINQ or LAMBDA expression

i'm having a List<String> like 我有一个List<String>类的

 List<String> MyList=new List<String>

I need to create a new list ( List<String> ) with "MyList" . 我需要使用“MyList”创建一个新列表( List<String> )。 so the rows in the "MyList" becomes columns in the new List and the columns become rows 所以“MyList”中的行成为新List中的列,列成为行

So the result will be like 所以结果就像


now i'm using nested for loop to do this. 现在我使用nested for循环来做到这一点。

Is there any way to do this using LINQ or LAMBDA expression 有没有办法使用LINQLAMBDA表达式来做到这一点

Here's a LINQPad script that does the trick: 这是一个LINQPad脚本,可以解决这个问题:

void Main()
    List<String> MyList = new List<String>

static IEnumerable<String> Transpose(IEnumerable<String> strings)
    return from i in Enumerable.Range(0, strings.First().Length)
           select new string((from s in strings select s[i]).ToArray());

Output: 输出:

        int n = myList[0].Length; // or whatever

        var transposed = from ind in Enumerable.Range(0, n)
                         let sb = new StringBuilder()
                         select myList.Select(s => s[ind]).Aggregate(sb, (acc, next) => acc.Append(next));

        foreach (var s in transposed)
var transposed = Enumerable.Range(0, MyList.First().Length)
                           .Select(rowIndex => new string(MyList.Select(str => str[rowIndex]).ToArray()))

Of course, this will break if the strings are not of identical length. 当然,如果琴弦的长度不同,这将会中断。

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