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从java中的字符串中删除“$ {anything}”

[英]Remove “${anything}” from string in java

I want to remove ${anything} or ${somethingelse} from a string, but i dont find the regex. 我想从字符串中删除$ {anything}或$ {somethingelse},但我找不到正则表达式。

My actual code 我的实际代码

String url = http://test.com/index.jsp?profil=all&value=${value}
String regex = "\\$\\{*\\}";
url = url .replaceAll(regex, ""); // expect http://test.com/index.jsp?profil=all&value= 
//but it is http://test.com/index.jsp?profil=all&value=${value}

i'm sure the solution is stupid, but no way to find. 我确定解决方案是愚蠢的,但无法找到。

Try this one: 试试这个:


The .*? .*? matches the shortest possible string that is followed by } . 匹配后面跟着的最短字符串}

you're removing any number of { 's, because you have {* instead of .* 你要删除任意数量的{ ,因为你有{*而不是.*

should be \\\\$\\\\{.*\\\\} 应该是\\\\$\\\\{.*\\\\}

that will indeed allow anything between the braces, do you want that to be alpha only or something? 这确实会允许大括号之间的任何东西,你想要它只是alpha或什么?

that would be \\\\$\\\\{[a-zA-Z]*\\\\} 这将是\\\\$\\\\{[a-zA-Z]*\\\\}

另一个解决方案是\\\\$\\\\{[^\\\\}]*\\\\} (任何不同于}的字符)

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