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ASP.NET MVC:这个业务逻辑应该在哪里?

[英]ASP.NET MVC: Where should this business logic go?

I'm working on my first real MVC application and I'm trying to follow general OOP best practices. 我正在研究我的第一个真正的MVC应用程序,我正在尝试遵循一般的OOP最佳实践。 I'm refactoring some simple business logic that I had in a controller into my domain model. 我正在重构我在控制器中使用的一些简单的业务逻辑到我的域模型中。 I've been doing some reading lately and it seems pretty clear that I should put the logic somewhere in a domain model entity class in order to avoid the "anemic domain model" anti-pattern. 我最近一直在做一些阅读,似乎很清楚我应该将逻辑放在域模型实体类中的某个地方,以避免“贫血域模型”反模式。

The application will allow people to purchase leases for parking spaces. 该应用程序将允许人们购买停车位的租约。 Rates are determined by the length of the spot and whether or not the customer is a member of the business park. 价格取决于现场的长度以及客户是否是商业园区的成员。

So I have entity classes in my domain model that look like this (simplified): 所以我的域模型中的实体类看起来像这样(简化):

public class Customer
    int ID { get; set; }
    string Name { get; set; }
    bool IsMember { get; set; }

public class ParkingSpace
    int ID { get; set; }
    int Length { get; set; }

public class ParkingSpaceLease
    int ID { get; set; }
    DateTime OpenDate { get; set; }
    DateTime CloseDate { get; set; }
    Customer Customer { get; set; }
    ParkingSpace ParkingSpace { get; set; } 

Edit: Just to clarify the LeaseQuote is not an entity class as it is just used to display the cost breakdown to perspective customers and is not persisted anywhere. 编辑:只是为了澄清LeaseQuote不是实体类,因为它仅用于向透视客户显示成本细分,并且不会在任何地方持久存在。

public class LeaseQuote
    int SubTotal { get; set; }
    int Discount { get; set; }
    int Total { get; set; }

Now as a feature of the application I need to be able to generate quotes for different customer and parking space combinations. 现在作为应用程序的一个功能,我需要能够为不同的客户和停车位组合生成报价。 The quotes will normally be accessed outside the context of actually creating a lease such as when a customer calls up to inquire about a price. 通常会在实际创建租约的上下文之外访问报价,例如当客户打电话询问价格时。

So what is the best way to go about this? 那么最好的方法是什么呢? Does it make sense to instantiate a new ParkingSpaceLease object inside the controller just to call a GetQuote method on it? 在控制器中实例化一个新的ParkingSpaceLease对象只是为了调用它的GetQuote方法是否有意义?

var lease = new ParkingSpaceLease();
var quote = lease.GetQuote(length: 168, isMember: true);
return Json(quote);

Or should the LeaseQuote class have the method? 或者LeaseQuote类应该有方法吗?

var leaseQuote = new LeaseQuote();
var quote = leaseQuote.GetQuote(length: 168, isMember: true);
return Json(quote);

It feels strange putting the logic in the actual ParkingSpaceLease class. 将逻辑放在实际的ParkingSpaceLease类中会感觉很奇怪。 I guess it feels kind of "heavy" to create a new lease object when I know that I'm not going to actually do anything with it other than access the GetQuote method which seems kind of like a separate service. 当我知道除了访问类似于单独服务的GetQuote方法之外我不会真正做任何事情时,我想创建一个新的租约对象感觉有点“沉重”。

So where should the GetQuote method go and why should it go there? 那么GetQuote方法应该去哪里?它为什么要去那里?

It almost sounds like your LeaseQuote isn't an entity and more of a business level class. 几乎听起来你的LeaseQuote不是一个实体而是更多的商业级别。 I mean, you're not storing it in the database anywhere, are you? 我的意思是,你不是把它存放在数据库的任何地方,是吗? And it's not a part of another data object. 它不是另一个数据对象的一部分。

When I see this 当我看到这个

Now as a feature of the application I need to be able to generate quotes for different customer and parking space combinations. 现在作为应用程序的一个功能,我需要能够为不同的客户和停车位组合生成报价。 The quotes will normally be accessed outside the context of actually creating a lease such as when a customer calls up to inquire about a price. 通常会在实际创建租约的上下文之外访问报价,例如当客户打电话询问价格时。

I think of a method signature like this 我想到了像这样的方法签名

public LeaseQuote GetQuote(Customer customer, ParkingSpace parkingSpace, int length)

But with that in mind, I'd probably also want to store information about the cost of the parking space within the ParkingSpace entity and (if applicable) the customer's discount in the Customer entity. 但考虑到这一点,我可能还想存储有关ParkingSpace实体内停车位成本的信息,以及(如果适用) Customer实体中客户折扣的信息。

Where would this stuff go? 这东西会去哪里? In a model class (business model, not LINQ or Entity model) that accesses your entities and serves as a provider for your controller. 在模型类(业务模型,而不是LINQ或实体模型)中,它访问您的实体并充当控制器的提供者。

Now I know that's not using your models exactly as written. 现在我知道并没有完全按照书面形式使用你的模型。 And it could just be personal bias. 它可能只是个人偏见。 But when I think about data models and data entities, they should not have any addon methods outside of what's coming back from the database. 但是当我考虑数据模型和数据实体时,除了从数据库返回的内容之外,它们不应该有任何插件方法。 They should just represent the data unaltered as it appears in the database. 它们应该只是表示数据库中出现的未更改的数据。 If you're acting on the data, that belongs in a tier above the data entities. 如果您对数据执行操作,则属于数据实体上方的层。

Update: 更新:

What I am curious about from your example is why one would want to pass the full Entity objects (Customer and Parking Space) versus just the properties needed to perform the calculation? 我对你的例子感到好奇的是为什么人们想要传递完整的实体对象(客户和停车位)而不仅仅是执行计算所需的属性?

It depends on your standard of code. 这取决于您的代码标准。 Exposing the entity itself could be dangerous if the consuming code manipulates the entity. 如果消费代码操纵实体,则暴露实体本身可能是危险的。 I prefer passing the entity mainly because that's what I'm used to. 我更喜欢传递实体主要是因为这是我习惯的。 But I'm also careful not to manipulate the entity on the way in. That, and I think the method signature reflects what the GetQuote method is focused on; 但是我也小心不要在路上操纵实体。那,我认为方法签名反映了GetQuote方法关注的内容; it's related to a customer and a parking space. 它与客户和停车位有关。

I could also make the case that if more fields go into the Entity later that can effect the GetQuote method, then the method signature doesn't have to change. 我还可以证明,如果稍后有更多字段进入Entity会影响GetQuote方法,那么方法签名不必更改。 In this case, only the implementation for GetQuote has to change. 在这种情况下,只需要更改GetQuote的实现。

Short answer: Preference. 简答:偏好。


I think you may have your object model slightly askew, which would lead to your concern about the lease being the wrong place from which to get a quote. 我认为你的对象模型可能略有歪斜,这会导致你担心租约是错误的地方,从中得到报价。 It seems to me that a lease would be wholly composed by the parking space which is being leased, and would be related only to the customer purchasing the lease. 在我看来,租约将完全由租赁的停车位组成,并且仅与购买租赁的客户有关。 IOW: IOW:

public class ParkingSpace
    int ID { get; set; }
    int Length { get; set; }
    IEnumerable<ParkingSpaceLease> Leases { get; set; }
    LeaseQuote GetQuote(Customer customer/*, other relevant parameters */) { ... }

public class ParkingSpaceLease
    int ID { get; set; }
    DateTime OpenDate { get; set; }
    DateTime CloseDate { get; set; }
    Customer Customer { get; set; }

public class LeaseQuote
    ParkingSpaceLease GetLease();

EDIT I missed the part about the LeaseQuote being a separate class. 编辑我错过了关于LeaseQuote是一个单独的课程的部分。

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