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[英]Posting the value of a textarea with jquery

I am looking for a (correct) way to read and write to a linux text file with javascript, jQuery and php. 我正在寻找一种使用javascript,jQuery和php读写Linux文本文件的(正确)方法。 Specifically, I want to take the value of a (#taFile) with jQuery ($("#taFile").val();) and $.post it to a php script, which in turn writes the posted value to a text file. 具体来说,我想使用jQuery($(“#taFile”)。val();)来获取(#taFile)的值,然后将$ .post放入php脚本,该脚本随后将发布的值写入文本文件。

While my code mostly works, I have run into a snag: when taking the value of the textarea and $.posting it, all special characters are lost. 虽然我的代码大部分都能正常工作,但我遇到了一个麻烦:在获取textarea的值并将$。张贴到它时,所有特殊字符都将丢失。 Specifically, 1) all special characters are lost, 2) new lines are converted to a space and 3) all characters after certain special characters (I've noticed it happen with a #) are lost. 具体来说,1)所有特殊字符都丢失,2)新行转换为空格,3)某些特殊字符(我注意到它与#一起丢失)之后的所有字符。

These are still rough drafts of the script however I'm very open to any improvements and suggestions! 这些仍然是脚本的草稿,但是我非常欢迎任何改进和建议!

Javascript: Javascript:

$(document).ready(function() {

  select: function(event, ui) { // When a tab is selected
   file = ui.panel.id;
   console.log("js: file: "+file);
   if (file == "items" || file == "groups" || file == "whitelist" || file == "users"){ // if file is valid
    $("#taFile").remove(); // Remove any old textareas
    $("#"+file).html(''); // Add a new textarea
    $.post("/php/getFile.php?action=read&file="+file, function(data){ // Post with the current file
     $("#taFile").val(data); // Put file into textarea

 $("#btnSubmit").click(function() {
  var newcfg = $("#taFile").val();
  alert(newcfg); // This shows that newcfg preserves the exact value of the textarea
  console.log(newcfg); // As does this.
  $.post("/php/getFile.php?action=write&file="+file+"&newcfg="+newcfg); // This shows new lines (\n ?) as " " (a space) and removes all special characters (! , # ; : etc)


$file = $_REQUEST['file'];
 $newcfg = $_REQUEST['newcfg'];
 $action = $_REQUEST['action'];
 $user = 'public';
 $config = "/home/$user/mc/$file.txt";

 if ($action == "read"){
  $oldcfg = file_get_contents($config);
  echo $oldcfg;
 } else if ($action == "write") { #if writing
  $fh = fopen($config, 'w') or die("Cant write to file"); #open file
  fwrite($fh, $newcfg); #write file
  fclose($fh); #close file

I had to remove the php tags as they caused the actual PHP code to not show up. 我必须删除php标签,因为它们导致实际的PHP代码无法显示。 Not that some of the script is for reading the file in first, when changing tabs. 并非某些脚本用于在更改选项卡时首先读取文件。 That all works fine. 一切正常。

Thanks! 谢谢!

您可能想查看PHP htmlentitieshtmlspecialcharacters

Note: You are using jQuery.post() and setting your data as a $_GET parameters . 注意:您正在使用jQuery.post()并将数据设置为$_GET parameters It should be called like; 应该叫做

$.post("/php/getFile.php", { action: "write", file: file, newcfg: newcfg },
     alert("Data Loaded: " + data);

You can keep your line breaks with a function like this: 您可以使用以下函数保持换行符:

function splitter($content) {
$content = str_replace(chr(10),'<br/>',$content);
$content = str_replace("<br/><br/><br/><br/>","<br/><br/>",$content);
return $content;

Which you run like: 您的运行方式如下:

$newcfg = splitter($newcfg);

And typoknig is right abouit special chars 而且typoknig是正确的特殊字符

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