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[英]DataGrid - how to make Column sorting dynamic, to cater for when bound data changes?

I'm using a DataGrid in a VS2010 WPF C# project. 我在VS2010 WPF C#项目中使用DataGrid。 I have bound the DataGrid to an ObservableCollection. 我已经将DataGrid绑定到ObservableCollection。 When you click on a column heading it sorts the data at that point in time. 当您单击列标题时,它将在该时间点对数据进行排序。

Question - How would I arrange such that the sorting in the DataGrid is dynamic, so that when data changes (within the ObservableCollection) the sorting keeps working. 问题-我将如何安排数据网格中的排序是动态的,以便在数据更改时(在ObservableCollection中)排序保持正常。

Notes: Binding approach is via DataGrid 注意:绑定方法是通过DataGrid进行的

private ObservableCollection<SummaryItem> _summaryData = new ObservableCollection<SummaryItem>();
SummaryDataGrid.ItemsSource = _summaryData;

SummaryDataGrid.AutoGeneratingColumn += (s, e) =>
    //if (e.Column.Header.ToString() == "ProcessName")
    //    e.Column.Width = new DataGridLength(1, DataGridLengthUnitType.Star);
    e.Column.Width = new DataGridLength(1, DataGridLengthUnitType.Star);

public class SummaryItem : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    private string _processName;
    public string ProcessName
        get { return _processName; }
            _processName = value;

    private long _total;
    public long Total
        get { return _total; }
            _total = value;

    private long _average;
    public long Average
        get { return _average; }
            _average = value;

    private void NotifyPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
        if (PropertyChanged != null)
            PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs((propertyName)));

    public static SummaryItem ObservableCollectionSearch(ObservableCollection<SummaryItem> oc, string procName)
        foreach (var summaryItem in oc)
            if (summaryItem.ProcessName == procName) return summaryItem;
        return null;

You can use CollectionViewSource in code behind as well as in XAML, whose source is your datagrid's itemsource, then you can add the SortDescription/s to it. 您可以在后面的代码中以及XAML中使用CollectionViewSource,XAML的源是您的数据网格的itemsource,然后可以向其中添加SortDescription。 This will keep the data sorted all the time. 这将使数据始终保持排序。

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