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如何使用href =“”#xyz”选择所有标签

[英]how do i select all a tags with href=“#xyz”

using pure javascript can i select all a tags with href="#xyz". 我可以使用纯JavaScript来选择所有带有href =“#xyz”的标签。 And also i would like to trigger some event while clicking on that element too... 而且我也想在单击该元素时触发一些事件...

how can i do that? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

PS: pure javascript means without using jquery or other frameworks PS:纯JavaScript意味着无需使用jquery或其他框架

for (i=0;i<=document.links.length;i++) {
  if (document.links[i].href == '#xyz') {
    // here you will have "selected only the ones with #xyz
    // Just be careful with the test, it will require a http://..../ I believe

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