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[英]Break line after input without html markup

I am trying to display a number of inputs and their corresponding labels. 我试图显示一些输入及其相应的标签。 They are both inline elements, and I have a working solution with adding a br tag at the end like so 它们都是内联元素,我有一个工作解决方案,最后添加一个br标签就像这样

<label for="hello"></label>
<input id="hello" type="text" />
<label for="stackoverflow"></label>
<input id="stackoverflow" />

Id like to solve this without extraneous HTML markup, ie with CSS. 我喜欢在没有多余HTML标记的情况下解决这个问题,即使用CSS。 What is the easiest way to do this? 最简单的方法是什么?

I have viewed other questions similar to this, but aligning by row instead of by column. 我已经查看了与此类似的其他问题,但是按行而不是按列对齐。

You can wrap the labels around your inputs and display them as blocks: 您可以在输入周围包装标签并将其显示为块:

  label { display: block; }

  Hello: <input name="hello">
  StackOverflow: <input name="stackoverflow">

Note that when you do this you don't need to use the for="name" attribute. 请注意,执行此操作时,您不需要使用for="name"属性。

The other way (if you don't want the labels wrapped around your inputs) is to float the labels to the left: 另一种方式(如果你不希望标签缠绕你的输入)是将标签浮动到左边:

  label { float: left; clear: left; }

However, I generally prefer a little more markup, something that connects the label and the input into one logical element, called a field : 但是,我通常更喜欢标记,将labelinput连接到一个逻辑元素,称为字段

<div class="field">
  <label for="hello">Hello</label>
  <input name="hello">
<div class="field">
  <label for="stackoverflow">Stackoverflow</label>
  <input name="stackoverflow">

Because each field is a div , it will display as a block automatically, but you can control it for individual fields as well. 因为每个字段都是一个div ,它会自动显示为一个块,但您也可以为各个字段控制它。

Try to set display:inline-block for your input and label elements. 尝试为inputlabel元素设置display:inline-block So you can add all block element specific css like witdh or margin-bottom . 因此,您可以添加所有特定于块元素的css,如witdhmargin-bottom

You can also set your input and label to display:block and add margin-bottom only to the the input. 您还可以设置inputlabeldisplay:block并仅将margin-bottom添加到输入。 Or you can reverse it and add a margin-top to your labels ;) 或者您可以反转它并在标签上添加margin-top;)

If you want to remove the margin on the last element you can use input:last-child {margin-bottom:0;} 如果你想删除最后一个元素的边距,你可以使用input:last-child {margin-bottom:0;}

input, label {display:block;}
input {margin-bottom:18px;}
input:last-child {margin-bottom:0;}

/* Or to be specific you can use the attribut-selector
   which only works on inputs with type="text"
input[type="text"]:last-child {margin-bottom:0;}

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