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[英]python: breaking a string into substrings using a for loop

i have a string like this: 我有一个像这样的字符串:

row='saint george 1739 1799 violin concerti g 029 039 050 symphonie concertante for two violins g 024 bertrand cervera in 024 039 christophe guiot in 024 029 and thibault vieux violin soloists orchestre les archets de paris'

i have this loop: 我有这个循环:

for n in range (1,int(len(row)/55)+1):
print row[(n-1)*55:n*55]

it is working well!! 它运作良好!!

however, it is cutting the spaces: 然而,它正在削减空间:

saint george 1739 1799 violin concerti g 029 039 050 sy
mphonie concertante for two violins g 024 bertrand cerv
era in 024 039 christophe guiot in 024 029 and thibault

i do not want it to cut the spaces (however i still want either 55 characters or less per line) 我不希望它削减空格(但我仍然希望每行55个字符或更少)

import textwrap

row='saint george 1739 1799 violin concerti g 029 039 050 symphonie concertante for two violins g 024 bertrand cervera in 024 039 christophe guiot in 024 029 and thibault vieux violin soloists orchestre les archets de paris'

# saint george 1739 1799 violin concerti g 029 039 050
# symphonie concertante for two violins g 024 bertrand
# cervera in 024 039 christophe guiot in 024 029 and
# thibault vieux violin soloists orchestre les archets de
# paris


I think the clearest way would be 我认为最清楚的方式是

for i in range(0, len(row), 55):
    print test[i:i+55]

where the third parameter to range is the step value, ie the difference between range elements. 其中range的第三个参数是step值,即范围元素之间的差异。

edit : just reread your question, and realized that I'm not sure if you want it to break along word boundaries or to just do a hard break at the 55th character of each line. 编辑 :只是重读你的问题,并意识到我不确定你是否希望它突破单词边界或只是在每一行的第55个字符处进行一次艰难的休息。

If you do want it to break along word boundaries, you should check out the textwrap module as suggested by unutbu and SilentGhost. 如果你确实希望它突破单词边界,你应该按照unutbu和textwrap 建议检查textwrap模块。

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