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ASP.NET MVC - 覆盖具有不同参数的操作

[英]ASP.NET MVC - Overriding an action with differing parameters

I have a controller that inherits from a base controller.我有一个继承自基本控制器的控制器。 Both have an edit (post) action which take two arguments:两者都有一个带有两个参数的编辑(发布)操作:

On Base controller:在基本控制器上:

public virtual ActionResult Edit(IdType id, FormCollection form)

And in the derived controller:在派生控制器中:

public ActionResult Edit(int id, SomeViewModel viewModel)

If I leave it like this I get an exception because there is an ambiguous call.如果我这样离开它,我会得到一个例外,因为有一个模棱两可的调用。 However, I can't use override on the derived action, because the method signatures don't exactly match.但是,我不能在派生操作上使用override ,因为方法签名不完全匹配。 Is there anything I can do here?有什么我可以在这里做的吗?

As addition to Developer Art's answer a workaround would be:除了开发人员艺术的答案,解决方法是:

leave the base method as it is and in your derived class implement the base method and annotate it with [NonAction]保持基本方法[NonAction]并在您的派生类中实现基本方法并使用[NonAction]对其进行注释

public override ActionResult Edit(IdType id, FormCollection form)
   // do nothing or throw exception

public ActionResult Edit(int id, SomeViewModel viewModel)
   // your implementation

I'd chain it:我会把它链接起来:

On Base controller:在基本控制器上:

public virtual ActionResult Edit(IdType id, FormCollection form)

And in the derived controller:在派生控制器中:

public virtual ActionResult Edit(IdType id, FormCollection form)
     var newId = //some enum? transform
     var boundModel = UpdateModel(new SomeViewModel(), form);

     return Edit( newId, boundModel );

public ActionResult Edit(int id, SomeViewModel viewModel)

I haven't tested this, passing a Post method to another Post should work.我还没有测试过,将 Post 方法传递给另一个 Post 应该可以工作。 There could be security implications this way.这种方式可能存在安全隐患。

That's all what you need to do On Base controller :这就是您需要在 On Base控制器上执行的所有操作:

adding virtual keyword添加虚拟关键字


On Derived controller :派生控制器上:

adding override keyword添加覆盖关键字


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