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[英]Python: loop through a file for specific lines

I have the following lines in a file where I want to take the third column; 我要在第三列中的文件中有以下几行: In the file I don't have the numbers column: 在文件中,我没有数字列:

  1. Red; 红色; Blue; 蓝色; Green; 绿色; White; 白色; Orange; 橙子;
  2. Green; 绿色; White; 白色; Orange; 橙子;
  3. Blue; 蓝色; Green; 绿色; White; 白色;
  4. Red; 红色; Blue; 蓝色; Green; 绿色; White; 白色;
  5. Blue; 蓝色; Green; 绿色; White; 白色; Orange; 橙子;
  6. Orange 橙子
  7. Green; 绿色; White; 白色; Orange; 橙子;
  8. White; 白色; Orange 橙子
  9. Green; 绿色;

I used this code line to do that: 我使用以下代码行来做到这一点:

lines = i.split(";")[2]

The problem is that some of the lines have only one column or two, so it gives me 'index out of range' error. 问题是某些行只有一两列,所以它给我“索引超出范围”错误。 Please tell me how to go about this problem? 请告诉我如何解决这个问题?

thanks a lot Adia 非常感谢Adia

what about something like this: 那这样的事情呢:

cols = i.split(";")
if (len(cols) >= 3):
    lines = cols[2]
    #whatever you want here

The simple solution is to check the number of columns and ignore lines with less than three columns. 简单的解决方案是检查列数,并忽略少于三列的行。

third_columns = []
with open("...") as infile:
    for line in infile:
        columns = line.split(';')
        if len(columns) >= 3:

And if you parse CSV (seems like you do), you better use one of the numerous existing CSV parsers, eg the one in the standard library . 而且,如果您解析CSV(似乎与您一样),则最好使用众多现有CSV解析器之一, 例如,标准库中的之一

use a slice instead of an index. 使用切片而不是索引。

>>> with open('test.txt') as f_in:
...     column3 = (line.split(';')[2:3] for line in f_in)
...     column3 = [item[0] for item in column3 if item]
>>> column3
[' Green', ' Orange', ' White', ' Green', ' White', ' Orange']
for line in open("file"):
    except: pass
        print s

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