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[英]Why isn't my JavaScript function being called?

Here is what I have so far for my Index site: 到目前为止,这是我的索引网站的内容:

<%  if (Model.Data != null)
       if (Model.Data.Rows.Count > 0)
       var divLoadGif = string.Empty;
           var divRealData = string.Empty;
           for(int n = 0; n < Model.Data.Rows; n++)
               divLoadGif  = "divLoadGif_"  + n.ToString("0000");
               divRealData = "divRealData_" + n.ToString("0000");    
               <div id="<%:divLoadGif%>" style="width: 100%;">
                  Please wait ... 
                  <img src="/loading.gif" alt="loading ..." />

               <div id="<%:divRealData%>" style="visibility: hidden;">
                  <div id="column_1" style="width: 25%; float:left;">
                  <div id="column_2" style="width: 25%; float:left;">
                  <div id="column_3" style="width: 25%; float:left;">
                     a test
                  <div id="column_4" style="width: 25%; float:left;">

               <script type="text/javascript">
                  AsyncFunction(<%: divLoadGif %>, <%: divRealData %>, n);
<%        }

The controller fills my Model.Data . 控制器填充我的Model.Data For example: 例如:

  • Model.Data.Row should be equal to 3. This means the loop will make 3 "rounds". Model.Data.Row应该等于3。这意味着循环将进行3次“回合”。 The idea is that in each "round" a loading gif should be displayed while the div part (with the 4 columns) is invisible. 这个想法是,在每个“回合”中,当div部件(带有4列)不可见时,应该显示加载的gif。

  • Then the JavaScript function AsyncFuntionCall should be called. 然后应调用JavaScript函数AsyncFuntionCall (This failed.) (失败)

  • This JavaScript function becomes two "div tag ids" and n (variable of the for loop). 该JavaScript函数成为两个“ div标签ID”和n (for循环的变量)。 It will then use AJAX to call a controller method. 然后它将使用AJAX调用控制器方法。

  • The controller method gets also the div tags and n . 控制器方法还获取div标签和n

  • Finally, the controller method will be called 3 times. 最后,控制器方法将被调用3次。 The controller method will return a "result" for every call. 该控制器方法将为每个调用返回“结果”。 Every call will need a few seconds before it returns a result to the AJAX functionality. 每个调用都需要几秒钟的时间才能将结果返回给AJAX功能。

The success: function (result) { result = $.parseJSON(result); ...} success: function (result) { result = $.parseJSON(result); ...} success: function (result) { result = $.parseJSON(result); ...} part of my AJAX call will then do the following: success: function (result) { result = $.parseJSON(result); ...}然后,我的AJAX调用将执行以下操作:

  • Parse the result . 解析result

  • Switch the div with id="<%:divLoadGif%>" to hidden. id="<%:divLoadGif%>"div切换为隐藏。

  • Switch the div with id="<%:divRealData%>" to visible. id="<%:divRealData%>"div切换为可见。

  • Replace the 4 "values" with the parsed values from result . 将4个“值”替换为result解析的值。

Easy? 简单? Not for me :-( because I have some problems: 不适合我:-(因为我有一些问题:

  1. The loop works fine. 循环工作正常。 But the JavaScript function AsyncFunction isn't called at all! 但是AsyncFunction没有调用JavaScript函数AsyncFunction What's going wrong? 怎么了

  2. I have absolutely no idea how I can change the "This" "is" "a test" "row" values in the success: function (result) { result = $.parseJSON(result); ...} 我完全不知道如何成功更改"This" "is" "a test" "row"success: function (result) { result = $.parseJSON(result); ...} success: function (result) { result = $.parseJSON(result); ...} part of my AJAX call. success: function (result) { result = $.parseJSON(result); ...}是我的AJAX通话的一部分。

尝试AsyncFunction(<%: divLoadGif %>, <%: divRealData %>, <%: n %>);

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