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通过API进行反向地理编码:Google Maps不能更精确吗?

[英]Reverse Geocoding by API: can't Google Maps be more precise?

I have asked reverse geocoding for 121 place georges pompidou paris, france (where there is an excellent icecream :)) 我曾要求对法国巴黎的蓬皮杜古广场121处进行反向地理编码(那里有出色的冰淇淋:))

http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=121+place+george+pompidou&sll=48.860921,2.351788&sspn=0.000745,0.002637&ie=UTF8&hq=121+place+george+pompidou&hnear=&ll=48.860568,2.351127&spn=0.000372,0.001318&t=h&z=20 http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=zh-CN&geocode=&q=121+place+george+pompidou&sll=48.860921,2.351788&sspn=0.000745,0.002637&ie=UTF8&hq=121+place+george+pompidou&hnear= &ll = 48.860568,2.351127&spn = 0.000372,0.001318&t = h&z = 20

It shows a marker at the beginning of the street instead of the middle of the street. 它在街道的起点而不是街道的中间显示标记。

Can Reverse Geocoding by API be more precise (I have still to learn how to do so so I cannot code it yet) than this ? 是否可以通过API进行反向地理编码(比我更精确(我仍然需要学习如何进行编码,所以我还不能编码))比这更精确?

It would appear that our data in this area isn't that granular. 看来我们在该区域的数据不是那么精细。

You'll notice, in other areas, that data does exist for exact street numbers. 您会注意到,在其他区域中,确实存在确切街道编号的数据。

BTW - this is geocoding, not reverse geocoding :) 顺便说一句-这是地理编码,而不是反向地理编码:)

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