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如何以有效的方式列出图像序列? Python中的商业序列比较

[英]How to list an image sequence in an efficient way? Numercial sequence comparison in Python

I have a directory of 9 images: 我有一个9图像的目录:

image_0001, image_0002, image_0003
image_0010, image_0011
image_0011-1, image_0011-2, image_0011-3

I would like to be able to list them in an efficient way, like this (4 entries for 9 images): 我希望能够以有效的方式列出它们,就像这样(9个图像有4个条目):

(image_000[1-3], image_00[10-11], image_0011-[1-3], image_9999)

Is there a way in python, to return a directory of images, in a short/clear way (without listing every file)? 在python中有一种方法,以简短/清晰的方式返回图像目录(不列出每个文件)?

So, possibly something like this: 所以,可能是这样的:

list all images, sort numerically, create a list (counting each image in sequence from start). 列出所有图像,按数字排序,创建一个列表(从开始按顺序计算每个图像)。 When an image is missing (create a new list), continue until original file list is finished. 缺少图像(创建新列表)时,继续直到原始文件列表完成。 Now I should just have some lists that contain non broken sequences. 现在我应该有一些包含非破坏序列的列表。

I'm trying to make it easy to read/describe a list of numbers. 我试图让阅读/描述数字列表变得容易。 If I had a sequence of 1000 consecutive files It could be clearly listed as file[0001-1000] rather than file['0001','0002','0003' etc...] 如果我有1000个连续文件的序列它可以清楚地列为文件[0001-1000]而不是文件['0001','0002','0003'等...]

Edit1 (based on suggestion): Given a flattened list, how would you derive the glob patterns? Edit1 (基于建议):给定一个扁平列表,你将如何得出glob模式?

Edit2 I'm trying to break the problem down into smaller pieces. Edit2我试图将问题分解成更小的部分。 Here is an example of part of the solution: data1 works, data2 returns 0010 as 64, data3 (the realworld data) doesn't work: 以下是解决方案的一部分示例:data1工作,data2返回0010为64,data3(realworld数据)不起作用:

# Find runs of consecutive numbers using groupby.  The key to the solution
# is differencing with a range so that consecutive numbers all appear in
# same group.
from operator import itemgetter
from itertools import *


list1 = []
for k, g in groupby(enumerate(data1), lambda (i,x):i-x):
    list1.append(map(itemgetter(1), g))
print 'data1'
print list1

list2 = []
for k, g in groupby(enumerate(data2), lambda (i,x):i-x):
    list2.append(map(itemgetter(1), g))
print '\ndata2'
print list2

returns: 收益:

[[1, 2, 3], [10, 11], [100], [9999]]

[[1, 2, 3], [8, 9], [64], [9999]]

Here is a working implementation of what you want to achieve, using the code you added as a starting point: 以下是您要实现的工作实现,使用您添加的代码作为起点:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import itertools
import re

# This algorithm only works if DATA is sorted.
DATA = ["image_0001", "image_0002", "image_0003",
        "image_0010", "image_0011",
        "image_0011-1", "image_0011-2", "image_0011-3",
        "image_0100", "image_9999"]

def extract_number(name):
    # Match the last number in the name and return it as a string,
    # including leading zeroes (that's important for formatting below).
    return re.findall(r"\d+$", name)[0]

def collapse_group(group):
    if len(group) == 1:
        return group[0][1]  # Unique names collapse to themselves.
    first = extract_number(group[0][1])  # Fetch range
    last = extract_number(group[-1][1])  # of this group.
    # Cheap way to compute the string length of the upper bound,
    # discarding leading zeroes.
    length = len(str(int(last)))
    # Now we have the length of the variable part of the names,
    # the rest is only formatting.
    return "%s[%s-%s]" % (group[0][1][:-length],
        first[-length:], last[-length:])

groups = [collapse_group(tuple(group)) \
    for key, group in itertools.groupby(enumerate(DATA),
        lambda(index, name): index - int(extract_number(name)))]

print groups

This prints ['image_000[1-3]', 'image_00[10-11]', 'image_0011-[1-3]', 'image_0100', 'image_9999'] , which is what you want. 这会打印['image_000[1-3]', 'image_00[10-11]', 'image_0011-[1-3]', 'image_0100', 'image_9999'] ,这就是你想要的。

HISTORY: I initially answered the question backwards, as @Mark Ransom pointed out below. 历史:我最初回答了这个问题,正如@Mark Ransom在下面指出的那样。 For the sake of history, my original answer was: 为了历史,我最初的答案是:

You're looking for glob . 你正在寻找glob Try: 尝试:

import glob
images = glob.glob("image_[0-9]*")

Or, using your example: 或者,使用您的示例:

images = [glob.glob(pattern) for pattern in ("image_000[1-3]*",
    "image_00[10-11]*", "image_0011-[1-3]*", "image_9999*")]
images = [image for seq in images for image in seq]  # flatten the list

Okay, so I found your question to be a fascinating puzzle. 好的,所以我发现你的问题是一个迷人的难题。 I've left how to "compress" the numeric ranges up to you (marked as a TODO), as there are different ways to accomplish that depending on how you like it formatted and if you want the minimum number of elements or the minimum string description length. 我已经离开了如何“压缩”你的数字范围(标记为TODO),因为有不同的方法可以实现这一点,具体取决于你喜欢它的格式,以及你想要最少数量的元素或最小字符串描述长度。

This solution uses a simple regular expression (digit strings) to classify each string into two groups: static and variable. 此解决方案使用简单的正则表达式(数字字符串)将每个字符串分为两组:静态和可变。 After the data is classified, I use groupby to collect the static data into longest matching groups to achieve the summary effect. 对数据进行分类后,我使用groupby将静态数据收集到最长匹配组中,以实现汇总效果。 I mix integer index sentinals into the result (in matchGrouper) so I can re-select the varying parts from all elements (in unpack). 我将整数索引sentinals混合到结果中(在matchGrouper中),这样我就可以从所有元素中重新选择不同的部分(在unpack中)。

import re
import glob
from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter

def classifyGroups(iterable, reObj=re.compile('\d+')):
    """Yields successive match lists, where each item in the list is either
    static text content, or a list of matching values.

     * `iterable` is a list of strings, such as glob('images/*')
     * `reObj` is a compiled regular expression that describes the
            variable section of the iterable you want to match and classify
    def classify(text, pos=0):
        """Use a regular expression object to split the text into match and non-match sections"""
        r = []
        for m in reObj.finditer(text, pos):
            m0 = m.start()
            r.append((False, text[pos:m0]))
            pos = m.end()
            r.append((True, text[m0:pos]))
        r.append((False, text[pos:]))
        return r

    def matchGrouper(each):
        """Returns index of matches or origional text for non-matches"""
        return [(i if t else v) for i,(t,v) in enumerate(each)]

    def unpack(k,matches):
        """If the key is an integer, unpack the value array from matches"""
        if isinstance(k, int):
            k = [m[k][1] for m in matches]
        return k

    # classify each item into matches
    matchLists = (classify(t) for t in iterable)

    # group the matches by their static content
    for key, matches in groupby(matchLists, matchGrouper):
        matches = list(matches)
        # Yield a list of content matches.  Each entry is either text
        # from static content, or a list of matches
        yield [unpack(k, matches) for k in key]

Finally, we add enough logic to perform pretty printing of the output, and run an example. 最后,我们添加了足够的逻辑来执行输出的漂亮打印,并运行一个示例。

def makeResultPretty(res):
    """Formats data somewhat like the question"""
    r = []
    for e in res:
        if isinstance(e, list):
            # TODO: collapse and simplify ranges as desired here
            if len(set(e))<=1:
                # it's a list of the same element
                e = e[0]
                # prettify the list
                e = '['+' '.join(e)+']'
    return ''.join(r)

fnList = sorted(glob.glob('images/*'))
re_digits = re.compile(r'\d+')
for res in classifyGroups(fnList, re_digits):
    print makeResultPretty(res)

My directory of images was created from your example. 我的图片目录是根据您的示例创建的。 You can replace fnList with the following list for testing: 您可以使用以下列表替换fnList进行测试:

fnList = [

And when I run against this directory, my output looks like: 当我对这个目录运行时,我的输出看起来像:

StackOverflow/3926936% python classify.py
images/image_[0001 0002 0003 0010].jpg
images/image_0011-[1 2 3].jpg
images/image_[0011 9999].jpg
def ranges(sorted_list):
    first = None
    for x in sorted_list:
        if first is None:
            first = last = x
        elif x == increment(last):
            last = x
            yield first, last
            first = last = x
    if first is not None:
        yield first, last

The increment function is left as an exercise for the reader. increment函数留给读者练习。

Edit: here's an example of how it would be used with integers instead of strings as input. 编辑:这是一个如何使用整数而不是字符串作为输入的示例。

def increment(x): return x+1

[(1, 4), (6, 8), (10, 10)]

For each contiguous range in the input you get a pair indicating the start and end of the range. 对于输入中的每个连续范围,您将获得一对指示范围的开始和结束。 If an element isn't part of a range, the start and end values are identical. 如果元素不是范围的一部分,则起始值和结束值相同。

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