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[英]C#: Manual bit conversion?

Is there a better way to write this than using BitConverter ? 有没有比使用BitConverter更好的方法来编写此代码?

public static class ByteArrayExtensions

    public static int IntFromUInt24(this byte[] bytes)
        if (bytes == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException();

        if (bytes.Length != 3)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException
                ("bytes", "Must have length of three.");

        return BitConverter.ToInt32
                    (new byte[] { bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2], 0 }, 0);


I'd use: 我会用:

return bytes[2]<<16|bytes[1]<<8|bytes[0];

Be careful with endianness: This code only works with little-endian 24 bit numbers. 注意字节序:此代码仅适用于低字节序的24位数字。

BitConverter on the other hand uses native endianness. 另一方面,BitConverter使用本机字节序。 So your could wouldn't work at all big-endian systems. 因此,您将无法在所有大端系统上工作。

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