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[英]How to create DOM object from html page received over XMLHttpRequest?

I'm developing a chromium extension so I have cross-host permissions for XMLHttpRequests for the domains I'm asking permissions for. 我正在开发一个chrome扩展,所以我对我要求权限的域的XMLHttpRequests有跨主机权限。

I have used XMLHttpRequest and got an HTML webpage (txt/html). 我使用了XMLHttpRequest并获得了一个HTML网页(txt / html)。 I want to use XPath (document.evaluate) to extract relevant bits from it. 我想使用XPath(document.evaluate)从中提取相关位。 Unfortunatly I'm failing to construct a DOM object from the returned string of the html. 不幸的是,我没有从返回的html字符串构造一个DOM对象。

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var name = escape("Sticks N Stones Cap");
xhr.open("GET", "http://items.jellyneo.net/?go=show_items&name="+name+"&name_type=exact", true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
    if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
    var parser = new DOMParser();
    var xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(xhr.responseText,"text/xml");


console.log is to display debug stuff in Chromium JS console. console.log是在Chromium JS控制台中显示调试内容。

In the said JS console. 在所说的JS控制台中。 I get this: 我明白了:

<parsererror style=​"display:​ block;​ white-space:​ pre;​ border:​ 2px solid #c77;​ padding:​ 0 1em 0 1em;​ margin:​ 1em;​ background-color:​ #fdd;​ color:​ black">​
<h3>​This page contains the following errors:​</h3>​
<div style=​"font-family:​monospace;​font-size:​12px">​error on line 1 at column 60: Space required after the Public Identifier
<h3>​Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.​</h3>​

So how am I suppose to use XMLHttpRequest -> receive HTML -> convert to DOM -> use XPath to transverse? 那么我怎么想使用XMLHttpRequest - >接收HTML - >转换为DOM - >使用XPath来横向?

Should I be using the "hidden" iframe hack for loading / receiving DOM object? 我应该使用“隐藏”iframe黑客来加载/接收DOM对象吗?

The DOMParser is choking on the DOCTYPE definition. DOMParser在DOCTYPE定义上窒息。 It would also error on any other non-xhtml markup such as a <link> without a closing / . 它也会在任何其他非xhtml标记上出错,例如没有关闭/<link> Do you have control over the document being sent? 您是否可以控制正在发送的文件? If not, your best bet is to parse it as a string. 如果没有,最好的办法是将其解析为字符串。 Use regular expressions to find what you are looking for. 使用正则表达式查找您要查找的内容。

Edit: You can get the browser to parse the contents of the body for you by injecting it into a hidden div: 编辑:您可以通过将浏览器注入隐藏的div来让浏览器为您解析正文的内容:

var hidden = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
hidden.style.display = "none";
hidden.innerHTML = /<body[^>]*>([\s\S]+)<\/body>/i(xhr.responseText)[1];

Now search inside hidden to find what you're looking for: 现在搜索hidden以找到您要查找的内容:

var myEl = hidden.querySelector("table.foo > tr > td.bar > span.fu");
var myVal = myEl.innerHTML;

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