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[英]how can i add some triple to my Ontology by Jena?

I have instance1 of class1 and instance2 of class2 . 我有instance1class1instance2class2 Also I have defined HasName(object property) in my ontology. 我也在我的本体中定义了HasName(object property) Now, how can I add the triple ( instance1 HasName instance2 ) to my ontology by jena? 现在,如何通过jena将triple( instance1 HasName instance2 )添加到我的本体?

Here's a way without dealing with intermediate Statements . 这是一种不处理中间Statements

// RDF Nodes -- you can make these immutable in your own vocabulary if you want -- see Jena's RDFS, RDF, OWL, etc vocabularies
Resource class1 = ResourceFactory.createResource(yourNamespace + "class1");
Resource class2 = ResourceFactory.createResource(yourNamespace + "class1");
Property hasName = ResourceFactory.createProperty(yourNamespace, "hasName"); // hasName property

// The RDF Model
Model model = ... // Use your preferred method to get an OntModel, InfModel, or just regular Model

Resource instance1 = model.createResource(instance1Uri);
Resource instance2 = model.createResource(instance2Uri);

// Create statements
instance1.addProperty(RDF.type, class1); // Classification of instance1
instance2.addProperty(RDF.type, class2); // Classification of instance2
instance1.addProperty(hasName, instance2); // Edge between instance1 and instance2

You could also chain some of these calls in a builder-ish pattern. 您还可以使用builder-ish模式链接其中一些调用。

Resource instance2 = model.createResource(instance2Uri).addProperty(RDF.type, class2);
model.createResource(instance1Uri).addProperty(RDF.type, class1).addProperty(hasName, instance2);

In Jena, this can be done by creating an instance of a Statement (a triple, or quad), then committing the statement to an instance of a Model . 在Jena中,可以通过创建Statement的实例(三元组或四元组),然后将语句提交给Model的实例来完成。

For example, consider the following: 例如,请考虑以下事项:

OntModel model = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(); // an ont model instance
Statement s = ResourceFactory.createStatement(subject, predicate, object);
model.add(s); // add the statement (triple) to the model

Where subject , predicate and object are instance elements of your triple with types conforming to the interface for ResourceFactory.createStatement() . 其中subjectpredicateobject是三元组的实例元素,其类型符合ResourceFactory.createStatement()的接口。

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