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CRM 5.0(2011)中的托管解决方案和非托管解决方案之间的区别?

[英]Difference between Managed and UnManaged Solution in CRM 5.0 (2011)?

我想知道什么是CRM 5.0(2011) 托管解决方案非托管解决方案之间的区别是什么?

Unmanaged solution: Essentially the same as 4.0. 非托管解决方案:与4.0基本相同。 As soon as someone imports an unmanaged solution into an organization, it becomes an integrated part of the organization and can only be removed by manually removing all parts of the solution. 一旦有人将不受管理的解决方案导入组织,该解决方案便成为组织的组成部分,并且只能通过手动删除解决方案的所有部分来删除。 The components of it can be freely edited, changed, and removed. 它的组件可以自由编辑,更改和删除。

Managed solution: Managed solutions can be locked down by the creators to not allow or allow editing of forms, adding new forms, changing display names, etc. A managed solution can be easily removed by just deleting the solution, and all components (that aren't needed for another solution) will be removed. 托管解决方案:托管解决方案可以由创建者锁定,以不允许或不允许编辑表单,添加新表单,更改显示名称等。只需删除解决方案和所有组件(不是(不需要其他解决方案)将被删除。

Unmanned Solution**:That solution we are edit update Unmanaged solutions are groups of unmanaged customizations. 无人解决方案**:该解决方案是我们编辑更新。 Any unmanaged customized solution component can be associated with any number of unmanaged solutions. 任何非托管的定制解决方案组件都可以与任意数量的非托管解决方案关联。 You create a managed solution by exporting an unmanaged solution and selecting to package it as a managed solution. 您可以通过导出非托管解决方案并将其打包为托管解决方案来创建托管解决方案。

Manged Solutions :A managed solution is a completed solution that is intended to be distributed and installed.we cant modify and customizations that solutions. 托管解决方案 :托管解决方案是旨在分发和安装的完整解决方案。我们无法修改和定制该解决方案。

Also, an UnManaged solution has no restrictions on what can be customized, and when you make changes to the system through an UnManaged solution the changes remain behind. 此外,不受管解决方案对可自定义的内容没有任何限制,并且当您通过不受管解决方案对系统进行更改时,更改仍会保留。 Managed solution all customizations are lost when it is deleted. 托管解决方案在删除时所有定制都将丢失。 So there is the potential for data loss in that event. 因此,在这种情况下可能会丢失数据。

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