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[英]JavaScript: Cross-browser “browser plugin” detection

I'm looking for a script that will allow me to detect if a user has Windows Media Player installed, or Quicktime, or Flash, or Silverlight... 我正在寻找一个脚本,可以让我检测用户是否安装了Windows Media Player,Quicktime,Flash或Silverlight ......

Ideally, this would be jQuery plugin, but any script will do. 理想情况下,这将是jQuery插件,但任何脚本都可以。

Do you know of one you can recommend? 你知道一个可以推荐的吗?

PluginDetect seems to work pretty good. PluginDetect似乎工作得很好。 You can generate a minified version of the script and only select the plugins you want to detect and functions you need. 您可以生成脚本的缩小版本,只选择要检测的插件和所需的功能。


Apple has written a script to do this. Apple编写了一个脚本来执行此操作。 With it you can run functions like: 有了它,您可以运行以下功能:

  • detectQuickTime()
  • detectFlash()
  • detectDirector()
  • detectWindowsMedia()
  • detectReal()

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