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JavaScript:我有一个数组。 我想检查第一个元素是否为字段集

[英]JavaScript: I have an array. I want to check if the first element is a fieldset

OK, so here was my original problem. 好的,这是我最初的问题。 You don't have to read it but in case it helps: Firefox thinks <fieldset> is a form element; 您不必阅读它,但万一它有帮助: Firefox认为<fieldset>是一个表单元素; Chrome doesn't Chrome没有

Basically, Firefox and IE count the fieldset in my HTML as an element in my array, and that screws everything up. 基本上,Firefox和IE会将HTML中的字段集视为数组中的一个元素,这会使所有事情搞砸了。 But Google Chrome does not count the fieldset as an array element. 但是Google Chrome浏览器不将字段集视为数组元素。 I'm trying to solve the problem by setting the new array one way if the browser counts the fieldset, and setting it a different way if it does. 我试图通过以下方法解决问题:浏览器计算字段集时以一种方式设置新数组,如果这样做则设置为另一种方式。 Here's my code. 这是我的代码。 I think the problem is with the if statement. 我认为问题在于if语句。

var $ = function (id) { return document.getElementById(id); }

function check() {
var x = $("myForm");

var user = new Array();
var type = x.elements[0].type;
    if (x.elements[0].nodeName=="fieldset") {
    user[0] = x.elements[1].value;
    user[1] = x.elements[3].value;
    user[2] = x.elements[5].value;
    user[3] = x.elements[2].value;
    user[4] = x.elements[4].value;
    user[5] = x.elements[6].value;
} else {
    user[0] = x.elements[0].value;
    user[1] = x.elements[2].value;
    user[2] = x.elements[4].value;
    user[3] = x.elements[1].value;
    user[4] = x.elements[3].value;
    user[5] = x.elements[5].value;

var answers = new Array();
answers[0] = "sample1";
answers[1] = "sample2";
answers[2] = "sample3";
answers[3] = "sample4";
answers[4] = "sample5";
answers[5] = "sample6";

var display = new Array();
for (var i=0;i<6;i++) {
    if (user[i] == "") {
        display[i] = "You entered nothing.";
    else if (user[i] == answers[i]) {
        display[i] = "Correct!";
    else {
        display[i] = "Wrong. The correct answer is \"" + answers[i] + "\".";
alert(display[0] + "\n" + display[1] + "\n" + display[2] + "\n" + display[3] + "\n" + display[4] + "\n" + display[5]);

The problem you were having is mainly because nodeName usually returns uppercase text (depending on the browser), and you are comparing it with lowercase fieldset . 您遇到的问题主要是因为nodeName 通常返回大写文本(取决于浏览器),并且您将其与小写的fieldset进行比较。 To make it consistent you should use string's toLowerCase function. 为了使其一致,您应该使用字符串的toLowerCase函数。

About the conditionals: I think a more elegant way would be to create a new filtered array without <fieldset> and submit button. 关于条件:我认为一种更优雅的方法是创建一个没有<fieldset>并提交按钮的新filtered数组。

Finally, the way you're creating your arrays involves a little bit too much typing. 最后,创建数组的方式涉及太多的输入。

I suggest you using literal notation for creating Arrays and Objects . 我建议您使用文字表示法创建ArraysObjects

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function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }

var filtered = [];
var elements = $("myForm").elements;
var len = elements.length;

// opt out fieldsets and submit buttons
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
  var el = elements[i];
  if (el.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "fieldset" && el.type != "submit") {

// specify an order (of indices)
var user = [1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6];

// then replace numbers with element 
// values  from the filtered array
for (var i = 0; i < user.length; i++) {
  user[i] = filtered[ user[i] ].value;


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