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在 python 启动时自动加载模块

[英]Auto-load a module on python startup

I want IPython or the Python interpreter to auto-load a module when I start them.我希望 IPython 或 Python 解释器在我启动它们时自动加载它们。

Is it possible?是否可以?

For example when I start IPython:例如,当我启动 IPython 时:

$ ipython


>>> from __future__ import division
>>> from mymodule import *

In [1]:

Something like SymPy's live shell found in the tutorial pages.类似于教程页面中的SymPy 的 live shell

Have a .pythonstartup in your home directory and load modules there and point PYTHONSTARTUP env to that file. 在主目录中有一个.pythonstartup在那里加载模块并将PYTHONSTARTUP env指向该文件。

Python commands in that file are executed before the first prompt is displayed in interactive mode. 在交互模式下显示第一个提示之前,将执行该文件中的Python命令。

I use it for enabling command line completion in python interpreter shell 我用它来在python解释器shell中启用命令行完成

Unless -S option is passed to the python binary, a special site module is imported by default before the execution is passed to your script, or the interactive interpreter. 除非将-S选项传递给python二进制文件,否则在将执行传递给脚本或交互式解释器之前,默认情况下会导入特殊的站点模块。 Among other things the module looks for *.pth files. 除此之外,该模块*.pth查找*.pth文件。 On each line the *.pth files should contain either a path to include into sys.path , or a command to execute. 在每一行上, *.pth文件应包含要包含在sys.path的路径或要执行的命令。 The module as well imports sitecustomize , and usercustomize (which can contain arbitrary code, a good way to make your colleagues crazy, if they happen to raise errors) if they exist somewhere in sys.path . 该模块还可以导入sitecustomizeusercustomize (如果它们存在于sys.path某个位置,则可以包含任意代码,一种让同事发疯的好方法,如果它们碰巧会出现错误)。

The problem is though, that the current directory in not in sys.path when the site module is imported, that is it is hard to configure your particular script. 但问题是,当导入site模块时,当前目录不在sys.path ,即配置特定脚本很困难。

I sometimes add the following line at the beginning of my scripts, so that the script would start with searchin for .pth files in the current directory and adding the missing paths to sys.path : 我有时会在脚本的开头添加以下行,以便脚本从searchin查找当前目录中的.pth文件并将缺少的路径添加到sys.path

# search for *.pth files in the current directory
import site; site.addsitedir('')

检查文件~/.ipython/ipythonrc - 您可以列出要在启动时加载的所有模块。

Another possible solution is to use the argument -i from python interpreter that launches the interaction mode after executing your script. 另一种可能的解决方案是使用python解释器的参数-i它在执行脚本后启动交互模式。

You could for instance use: 你可以使用例如:

  • python -i your_module.py
  • python -i /path/to/your/module in case you have defined a __main__.py python -i /path/to/your/module ,以防您定义__main__.py
  • or even python -i -m your.module 甚至是python -i -m your.module

To automatically lazily import all top-level importable modules when using them, define this in your PYTHONSTARTUP file:要在使用时自动延迟导入所有顶级可导入模块,请在PYTHONSTARTUP文件中定义:

import pkgutil
from importlib import import_module

class LazyModule:
    def __init__(self, alias, path):
        self._alias = alias
        self._path = path
        globals()[self._alias] = self

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        module = import_module(self._path)
        globals()[self._alias] = module
        return getattr(module, attr)

# All top-level modules.
modules = [x.name for x in pkgutil.iter_modules()]

for module in modules:
    LazyModule(alias=module, path=module)

# Also include any other custom aliases.
LazyModule("mpl", "matplotlib")
LazyModule("plt", "matplotlib.pyplot")
LazyModule("pd", "pandas")
LazyModule("sns", "seaborn")
LazyModule("tf", "tensorflow")

Now you can access modules without needing to import them manually:现在您可以访问模块而无需手动导入它们:

>>> math.sqrt(0)

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