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如何使用Maven创建新的Eclipse RCP项目?

[英]How to create new Eclipse RCP project using Maven?

How to create new Eclipse RCP project using Maven ( preferably m2eclipse )? 如何使用Maven( 最好是m2eclipse )创建新的Eclipse RCP项目?

I read that there's plug-in for Maven that have idea about Eclipse. 我读到了Maven的插件,它有关于Eclipse的想法。 ( Maven Eclipse Plugin ) And then it looks like I need to find some Maven Archetype to create Eclipse RCP project, but I could not. Maven Eclipse插件 )然后看起来我需要找一些Maven Archetype来创建Eclipse RCP项目,但我不能。 At this point I am in doubt if I go right way. 在这一点上,我怀疑我是否正确行事。

I just want to use maven dependencies resolution and other features in my RCP application development. 我只想在我的RCP应用程序开发中使用maven依赖项解析和其他功能。

PS I found that it is possible to "Enable Dependency Management" via m2eclipse. PS我发现可以通过m2eclipse“启用依赖管理”。 The other option is to make 2 project: maven project and Eclipse RCP project that will reference the first on classpath. 另一个选项是创建2个项目:maven项目和Eclipse RCP项目,它将引用类路径上的第一个项目。 What is the smart way? 什么是聪明的方式?

PPS There's also option to use Eclipse dependency resolution mentioned here PPS还可以选择使用此处提到的Eclipse依赖性解析

Convert your library project to a plug-in project (right-click -> Configure -> Convert to Plug-in Project) and add it to the dependencies of your plug-in project (manifest editor, Dependencies tab). 将库项目转换为插件项目(右键单击 - > Configure - > Convert to Plug-in Project)并将其添加到插件项目的依赖项(清单编辑器,依赖项选项卡)。

Maybe Tycho ( http://tycho.sonatype.org/ ) will help you. 也许Tycho( http://tycho.sonatype.org/ )会帮助你。 Currently, it seems to be a little bit alpha, but after releasing Maven 3.0, Jason van Zyl promised to spend more time on Tycho ( http://www.sonatype.com/people/2010/10/maven-3-0-has-landed/ ). 目前,它似乎有点像alpha,但在发布Maven 3.0后,Jason van Zyl承诺将花更多时间在Tycho上( http://www.sonatype.com/people/2010/10/maven-3-0-已降落/ )。

等待史蒂夫回答中突出显示的所有maven3魔法,你有这个Maven RCP构建配方 ,基于pde-maven-plugin (如Eclipse插件开发环境支持页面中所示)

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