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PayPal - ExpressCheckout和定期付款

[英]PayPal - ExpressCheckout and Recurring Payments

I'm trying to get PayPal's ExpressCheckout working with Recurring Payments. 我正试图让PayPal的ExpressCheckout与Recurring Payments合作。 I've got the first two stages (the calls to SetExpressCheckout and GetExpressCheckoutDetails) but CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile fails with the error below. 我有前两个阶段(对SetExpressCheckout和GetExpressCheckoutDetails的调用),但是CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile失败并显示以下错误。 I'm using a modified version of Paypal's sample code, but I suspect I'm (not) setting an encoder value. 我使用的是贝宝(Paypal)示例代码的修改版,但我怀疑自己(不是)设置编码器值。 Anyone used this before? 有人用过吗?

The error: 错误:

// TIMESTAMP: 2010-10-27T09:57:47Z
// CORRELATIONID: ad2b2da33c672
// ACK: Failure
// VERSION: 51.0
// BUILD: 1553277
// L_ERRORCODE0: 11502
// L_SHORTMESSAGE0: Invalid Token
// L_LONGMESSAGE0: The token is invalid

The code I'm using is: 我正在使用的代码是:

/// This returns true
public bool SetExpressCheckout(string amt, ref string token, ref string retMsg)
    string host = "www.paypal.com";
    if (bSandbox) {
        pendpointurl = "https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp";
        host = "www.sandbox.paypal.com";

    string baseUrl = "http://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority;
    string[] returnUrlParts = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PaypalReturnUrl"].Split('?'),
             cancelUrlParts = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PaypalCancelUrl"].Split('?');
    string returnURL = baseUrl + VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(returnUrlParts[0]) + (returnUrlParts.Length > 1 ? '?' + returnUrlParts.Skip(1).Aggregate((itms, itm) => itms + itm) : string.Empty),
           cancelURL = baseUrl + VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(cancelUrlParts[0]) + (cancelUrlParts.Length > 1 ? '?' + cancelUrlParts.Skip(1).Aggregate((itms, itm) => itms + itm) : string.Empty);

    NVPCodec encoder = new NVPCodec();
    encoder["METHOD"] = "SetExpressCheckout";
    encoder["RETURNURL"] = returnURL;
    encoder["CANCELURL"] = cancelURL;
    encoder["AMT"] = amt;
    //encoder["PAYMENTACTION"] = "SALE";
    encoder["CURRENCYCODE"] = "GBP";
    encoder["NOSHIPPING"] = "1";
    encoder["L_BILLINGTYPE0"] = "RecurringPayments";
    encoder["L_BILLINGAGREEMENTDESCRIPTION0"] = "Subscription for MySite";

    string pStrrequestforNvp = encoder.Encode();
    string pStresponsenvp = HttpCall(pStrrequestforNvp);

    NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec();

    string strAck = decoder["ACK"].ToLower();
    if (strAck != null && (strAck == "success" || strAck == "successwithwarning")) {
        token = decoder["TOKEN"];
        string ECURL = "https://" + host + "/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout" + "&token=" + token;
        retMsg = ECURL;
        return true;
    } else {
        retMsg = "ErrorCode=" + decoder["L_ERRORCODE0"] + "&" +
            "Desc=" + decoder["L_SHORTMESSAGE0"] + "&" +
            "Desc2=" + decoder["L_LONGMESSAGE0"];
        return false;

/// This returns true
public bool GetExpressCheckoutDetails(string token, ref string PayerId, ref string retMsg)
    if (bSandbox) {
        pendpointurl = "https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp";
    NVPCodec encoder = new NVPCodec();
    encoder["METHOD"] = "GetExpressCheckoutDetails";
    encoder["TOKEN"] = token;

    string pStrrequestforNvp = encoder.Encode();
    string pStresponsenvp = HttpCall(pStrrequestforNvp);

    NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec();

    string strAck = decoder["ACK"].ToLower();
    if (strAck != null && (strAck == "success" || strAck == "successwithwarning")) {
        return true;
    } else {
        retMsg = "ErrorCode=" + decoder["L_ERRORCODE0"] + "&" +
            "Desc=" + decoder["L_SHORTMESSAGE0"] + "&" +
            "Desc2=" + decoder["L_LONGMESSAGE0"];
        return false;

// This fails and returns false with the following in the decoder result
// TIMESTAMP: 2010-10-27T09:57:47Z
// CORRELATIONID: ad2b2da33c672
// ACK: Failure
// VERSION: 51.0
// BUILD: 1553277
// L_ERRORCODE0: 11502
// L_SHORTMESSAGE0: Invalid Token
// L_LONGMESSAGE0: The token is invalid
public bool CreateRecurringPaymentsProfileCode(string token, string amount, string profileDate, string billingPeriod, string billingFrequency, ref string retMsg)
    NVPCallerServices caller = new NVPCallerServices();
    IAPIProfile profile = ProfileFactory.createSignatureAPIProfile();
    profile.APIUsername = this.APIUsername;
    profile.APIPassword = this.APIPassword;
    profile.APISignature = this.APISignature;
    profile.Environment = "sandbox";
    caller.APIProfile = profile;
    string host = "www.paypal.com";
    if (bSandbox) {
        pendpointurl = "https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp";
        host = "www.sandbox.paypal.com";

    NVPCodec encoder = new NVPCodec();
    encoder["VERSION"] = "51.0";

    // Add request-specific fields to the request.
    encoder["METHOD"] = "CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile";
    encoder["TOKEN"] = token;
    encoder["AMT"] = amount;
    encoder["PROFILESTARTDATE"] = profileDate; //Date format from server expects Ex: 2006-9-6T0:0:0
    encoder["BILLINGPERIOD"] = billingPeriod;
    encoder["BILLINGFREQUENCY"] = billingFrequency;
    encoder["L_BILLINGTYPE0"] = "RecurringPayments";
    encoder["DESC"] = "Subscription for MySite";

    // Execute the API operation and obtain the response.
    string pStrrequestforNvp = encoder.Encode();
    string pStresponsenvp = caller.Call(pStrrequestforNvp);

    NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec();
    //return decoder["ACK"];
    string strAck = decoder["ACK"];
    bool success = false;
    if (strAck != null && (strAck == "Success" || strAck == "SuccessWithWarning")) {
        success = true; // check decoder["result"]
    } else {
        success = false;

    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < decoder.Keys.Count; i++) {
        buffer.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}", decoder.Keys[i], decoder.GetValues(i).Aggregate((vals, val) => vals + "----" + val));
    retMsg = buffer.ToString();

    return success;// returns false

If it helps, the code which is calling it is : 如果有帮助,调用它的代码是:

NVPAPICaller ppapi = new NVPAPICaller();
NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec();
string retMsg = string.Empty,
       token = Convert.ToString(Session["token"]),
       finalPaymentAmount = "15",
       payerId = Convert.ToString(Session["payerId"] ?? string.Empty); // set from SetExpressCheckout

bool shippingSuccess = ppapi.GetExpressCheckoutDetails(token, ref payerId, ref retMsg);
if (shippingSuccess) {
    payerId = Session["payerId"].ToString();
    btnConfirm.Enabled = false;
    bool paymentSuccess = ppapi.CreateRecurringPaymentsProfileCode(token, finalPaymentAmount, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-M-DTH:m:s"), "Year", "1", ref retMsg);
    // but paymentSuccess is false

This was actually the date in the end, but it took me forever to notice. 这实际上是最后的约会,但我花了很长时间才注意到。 In the call to CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile, encoder["PROFILESTARTDATE"] = profileDate; 在对CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile, encoder["PROFILESTARTDATE"] = profileDate;的调用中CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile, encoder["PROFILESTARTDATE"] = profileDate; was wrong. 错了。 I was using the yyyy-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format when I needed yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss (lowercase d's). 当我需要yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss (lowercase d's).时,我正在使用yyyy-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss格式yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss (lowercase d's).


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