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[英]How should I match a pattern in Scala?

I need to do a pattern in Scala, this is a code: 我需要在Scala中做一个模式,这是一个代码:

object Wykonaj{

val doctype = DocType("html", PublicID("-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN","http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"), Nil)

  def main(args: Array[String]) {
  val theUrl = "http://axv.pl/rss/waluty.php"
  val xmlString = Source.fromURL(new URL(theUrl)).mkString
  val xml = XML.loadString(xmlString)
   val zawartosc= (xml \\ "description")
 val pattern="""<descrition> </descrition>""".r 
 for(a <-zawartosc) yield a match{
 case pattern=>println(pattern) 

The problem is, I need to do val pattern=any pattern, to get from 问题是,我需要做val pattern=any模式,来自

<description><![CDATA[ <img src="http://youbookmarks.com/waluty/pic/waluty/AUD.gif"> dolar australijski 1AUD | 2,7778 | 210/A/NBP/2010 ]]> </description>

only it dolar australijski 1AUD | 只有它dolar australijski 1AUD | 2,7778 | 2,7778 | 210/A/NBP/2010. 210 / A / NBP / 2010。

val zawartosc = (xml \\ "description")
val pattern = """.*(dolar australijski.*)""".r 
val allMatches = (for (a <- zawartosc; text = a.text) yield {text}) collect { 
   case pattern(value) => value }
val result = allMatches.headOption // or .head 

This is mostly a matter of using the right regular expression. 这主要是使用正确的正则表达式。 In this case you want to match the string that contains dolar australijski . 在这种情况下,您要匹配包含dolar australijski的字符串。 It has to allow for extra characters before dolar . dolar之前它必须允许额外的字符。 So use .* . 因此,请使用.* Then use the parens to mark the start and end of what you need. 然后使用括号标记所需内容的开始和结束。 Refer to the Java api for the full doc . 有关完整文档,请参阅Java api

With respect to the for comprehension, I convert the XML element into text before doing the match and then collect the ones that match the pattern by using the collect method. 关于for理解,我在进行匹配之前将XML元素转换为文本,然后使用collect方法collect与模式匹配的元素。 Then the desired result should be the first and only element. 然后,期望的结果应该是第一个也是唯一的元素。

Try 尝试

import scala.util.matching.Regex


val Pattern = new Regex(""".*; ([^<]*) </description>""")


for(a <-zawartosc) yield a match {
  case Pattern(p) => println(p)

It's a bit of a kludge (I don't use REs with Scala very often), but it seems to work. 它有点像kludge(我不经常使用RE与Scala),但它似乎工作。 The CDATA is stringified as &gt; CDATA被字符串化为&gt; entities, so the RE tries to find text after a semicolon and before a closing description tag. 实体,因此RE尝试在分号之后和结束描述标签之前查找文本。

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