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[英]Converting a 2d array of ints to char and string in Java

How can I convert the ints in a 2d array into chars, and strings? 如何将2d数组中的int转换为char和字符串? (seperately) (seperately)

If I copy ints to a char array i just get the ASCII code. 如果我将整数复制到char数组中,我只会得到ASCII码。

For example: 例如:

public int a[5][5] 

//some code

public String b[5][5] = public int a[5][5]

Thanks 谢谢

This question is not very well-phrased at all. 这个问题的措辞根本不够好。 I THINK what you're asking is how to convert a two-level array of type int[][] to one of type String[][] . 我想您要问的是如何将int[][]类型的两级数组转换为String[][]类型的String[][]

Quite frankly, the easiest approach would simply leave your array as-is... and convert int values to String 's when you use them: 坦白说,最简单的方法就是将数组保持原状...并在使用它们时将int值转换为String


Alternatively, you could start with a String[][] array in the first place, and simply convert your int values to String when adding them: 另外,您可以首先从String[][]数组开始,并在添加它们时将int值简单地转换为String

a[5][5] = new String(myInt);

If you really do need to convert an array of type int[][] to one of type String[][] , you would have to do so manually with a two-layer for() loop: 如果确实需要将int[][]类型的数组转换为String[][]类型的String[][] ,则必须使用两层for()循环手动进行此操作:

String[][] converted = new String[a.length][];
for(int index = 0; index < a.length; index++) {
    converted[index] = new String[a[index].length];
    for(int subIndex = 0; subIndex < a[index].length; subIndex++){
        converted[index][subIndex] = Integer.toString(a[index][subIndex]);

All three of these approaches would work equally well for conversion to type char rather than String . 这三种方法对于转换为char类型而不是String都将同样有效。

Your code must basically go through your array and transform each int value into a String. 您的代码基本上必须遍历数组并将每个int值转换为String。 You can do this with the String.toString(int) method. 您可以使用String.toString(int)方法执行此操作。

You can try that : 您可以尝试:

String[][] stringArray = new String[a.length][];
for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++){
    stringArray[i] = new String[a[i].lenght];
    for(int j = 0; j < a[i].length; j++){
        stringArray[i][j] = Integer.toString(a[i][j]);


b[1][1] = Integer.toString(a[1][1]);
String [][]b = new String[a.length][];
for(int i=0; i<a.length; i++) {
  int [] row = a[i];
  b[i] = new String[row.length];
  for(int j=0; j<row.length; j++) {
    b[i][j] = Integer.toString(row[j]);


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