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Silverlight Datagrid标头绑定到常量

[英]Silverlight datagrid header binding to constant

Say I have a bunch of local constants in my code behind that I want to use as headers, for example: 假设我的代码后面有一堆局部常量,想用作标题,例如:

const string TYPE_HEADER = "Type";
const string LOCATION_ HEADER = "Location";

etc. 等等

Is there any way I can bind the headers of my DataGridColumns to these like events are bound to local methods, for example: 有什么方法可以将DataGridColumns的标题绑定到这些绑定到本地方法的事件,例如:

<data:DataGridTextColumn Header="{Binding TYPE_HEADER}" />

Can this be done? 能做到吗? Perhaps by using some dynamic ResourceDictionary or something? 也许通过使用一些动态的ResourceDictionary之类的东西?

the TYPE_HEADER must be a string property (it can be backed by a const). TYPE_HEADER必须是字符串属性(可以由const支持)。 make a container: 制作一个容器:

public class MyStaticDataProvider
public string TYPE_HEADER { get { return "blkajsd"; } }

below the declaration of your usercontrol: 在用户控件的声明下方:

 <MyNamespace:MyStaticDataProvider x:Key="NameProvider" />

for your header: 为您的标题:

Header="{Binding Path=TYPE_HEADER, Source={StaticResource NameProvider}, Mode=OneTime}"

it would be easier if silverlight supported x:Static, but it does not. 如果Silverlight支持x:Static会更容易,但是不支持。 see Silverlight 4 Equivalent to WPF "x:static" 请参见Silverlight 4等效于WPF“ x:static”

It appears this cannot be done without editing the control template for DataGridTextColumn as Header is not a FrameworkElement... 似乎如果不编辑DataGridTextColumn的控件模板就无法完成此操作,因为Header不是FrameworkElement ...

Dynamically setting the Header text of a Silverlight DataGrid Column 动态设置Silverlight DataGrid列的标题文本

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