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[英]iPhone read image from socket

I am working in a little app for iphone base on ideas used to make an Android app. 我正在根据用于制作Android应用程序的想法为iPhone设计一个小应用程序。
To test, obviously i use the simulator, but the simulator don't have support for built-in camera. 为了测试,显然我使用了模拟器,但是模拟器不支持内置摄像头。 The Android idea to test this consist in use a WebCamBroadcaster Java app in the desktop to capture frames from built-in webcam and pass it through socket. Android对此进行测试的想法是使用台式机中的WebCamBroadcaster Java应用程序从内置网络摄像头捕获帧并将其通过套接字传递。 Then in the app you just read the bytes and convert to image. 然后在应用程序中,您只需读取字节并转换为图像即可。

Well i was trying to do the same thing with iPhone Simulator. 好吧,我试图用iPhone Simulator做同样的事情。 Searching in the web a found a class to work with asynchronous sockets ( cocoaasyncsocket ). 在网上搜索时,发现了一个可用于异步套接字( cocoaasyncsocket )的类。 But i can't make it work. 但是我不能使它工作。

The Java App send the frames like this: Java App发送如下框架:

socket = ss.accept();

BufferedImage image = videoCapture.getNextImage();

if (image != null) {
     OutputStream out = socket.getOutputStream();
     if (RAW) {
         image.getWritableTile(0, 0).getDataElements(0, 0, w$
                                                     image.releaseWritableTile(0, 0);
                                                     DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream(new Bu$
         for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
     } else {
         ImageIO.write(image, "JPEG", out);

The Android version of this use C code to implement de socket reading proccess like this: 此版本的Android版本使用C代码实现de socket读取过程,如下所示:

long read_count, total_read = 0;
while (total_read < readBufSize)

    read_count = read(sockd, &readBuf[total_read], readBufSize);
    if (read_count <= 0 || errno != 0)
     char buffer[100];
     sprintf(buffer, "socket read errorno = %d", errno);
    total_read += read_count;

// If we read all of the data we expected, we will load the frame from the p$

if (total_read == readBufSize){
    frame = loadPixels(readBuf, width, height);}

Where readBufsize = width*height*sizeof(int); 
readBuf = (char*)malloc(readBufSize);

So i try to implement the same for iPhone but i have an error in the connection (errno = 2).. Then i find cocoaasyncsocket and i try to use but i have an unknown error and nothing is read: 所以我尝试为iPhone实现相同的功能,但是我在连接中出现错误(errno = 2)。然后我找到了cocoaasyncsocket并尝试使用,但我有一个未知错误,但未读取任何内容:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "AsyncSocket.h"

 @interface Captura : NSObject {
    NSString *ipserver;
    UInt16         port;
    NSError  *errPtr;
    AsyncSocket *socket;
    NSMutableData *socketData;
@property (nonatomic,retain) NSString *ipserver;
@property (retain)    AsyncSocket *socket;
@property (retain)    NSError *errPtr;
//will contain de data read from socket 
@property (retain)    NSMutableData *socketData; 

-(id)initWithIp:(NSString*)ip puerto:(UInt16)p;
- (UIImage*)getImage;

and the implementation 和实施

#import "Captura.h"

@implementation Captura
@synthesize ipserver;
@synthesize socket;
@synthesize errPtr;
@synthesize socketData;

-(id)initWithIp:(NSString*)ip puerto:(UInt16)p{
    if (self = [super init]) {
        ipserver = ip;
        port     = p;
        socket = [[AsyncSocket alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
        socketData = [[NSMutableData alloc] init];
    return self;

    return [socket connectToHost:ipserver onPort:port error:&errPtr];

    NSLog(@"Begin Read");
    NSUInteger offset = [socketData length];
    [socket readDataWithTimeout:1

- (void)onSocket:(AsyncSocket *)sock didConnectToHost:(NSString *)host port:(UInt16)port{
    NSLog(@"Conectado al servidor");

- (void)onSocket:(AsyncSocket *)sock didReadData:(NSData *)data withTag:(long)tag {
    NSLog(@"Data leida %u",[data length]);
    [socketData appendData:data];
    [self beginRead];

- (void)onSocketDidDisconnect:(AsyncSocket *)sock{
    [socketData release];
    [ipserver release];
    [socket release];
    NSLog(@"MutableData length %u", [socketData length]);
    NSLog(@"Socket Desconectado");

- (void)onSocket:(AsyncSocket *)sock willDisconnectWithError:(NSError *)err{
    NSLog(@"Ocurrió un error desconectando.... %@",err);

- (UIImage*)getImage{
    NSData *data;
    [socketData getBytes:data length:320*480*sizeof(int)];
    NSLog(@"Data obtenida %@",[data length]);
    if ([socketData length]>320*480*sizeof(int)) {
        [socketData replaceBytesInRange:NSMakeRange(0,320*480*sizeof(int)) withBytes:NULL length:0];
    if (data!=nil && [data length]) {
        UIImage *img = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:data];
        [data release];
        return img;
    [data release];
    return nil;

Well this code connect to the server and initialize the reading process and then close up.. socket is disconnect and the app is close. 这段代码很好地连接到服务器,并初始化读取过程,然后关闭。.套接字断开连接,应用程序关闭。

i can't test de getImage method yet... 我还不能测试de getImage方法...

Some idea? 有想法吗

Thanks in advance... 提前致谢...


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