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Chrome开发者工具的“属性”部分如何帮助CSS / JavaScript开发?

[英]How does the Chrome Developer Tool “Properties” section help with CSS/JavaScript development?

How does the Chrome Developer Tool "Properties" section help with CSS/JavaScript development? Chrome开发者工具的“属性”部分如何帮助CSS / JavaScript开发?

In the screenshot it shows blur , contains , focus , etc. 在屏幕快照中,它显示blurcontainsfocus等。

I don't know what you can do with these. 我不知道您能用这些做什么。


It's showing you exactly which JavaScript functions are included in that element's prototype (the functions that you can call on that element). 它向您确切显示了该元素的原型中包含哪些JavaScript函数(可以在该元素上调用的函数)。

It helps when you're trying to figure out exactly how you can solve a specific problem but you're not sure exactly what JavaScript functions you have available to you. 当您试图弄清楚如何解决特定问题但不确定要使用的JavaScript函数时,它会有所帮助。

Speaking about css, i found the dev tool to be very very usefull. 说到CSS,我发现开发工具非常有用。 I use it to debug my css code and check whatever an element inherited a class that doesn't mean to be there. 我用它调试我的CSS代码,并检查任何元素继承了一个不存在的类。 I never used it for javascript code, except for random errors i couldn't solve by myself. 我从来没有将它用于javascript代码,除了我自己无法解决的随机错误。

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