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DataType的DataTemplate - 如何在特定的ListBox中覆盖此DataTemplate?

[英]DataTemplate for a DataType - how to override this DataTemplate in a particular ListBox?

I have created several DataTemplates for some of the DataTypes in my pet project. 我为我的宠物项目中的一些DataTypes创建了几个DataTemplates。 These data templates are really cool as they work like magic, magically transforming the look of the instances of the data types whenever and wherever they show up in the UI. 这些数据模板非常酷,因为它们像魔术一样工作,无论何时何地在UI中显示,都可以神奇地转换数据类型实例的外观。 Now I want to be able to change the DataTemplate for these DataTypes in one particular ListBox. 现在我希望能够在一个特定的ListBox中更改这些DataType的DataTemplate。 Does this mean I have to stop relying on WPF automatically applying the data template to the data types and assign ax:Key to the DataTemplates and then apply the Template/ItemTemplate in the UI using that key? 这是否意味着我必须停止依赖WPF自动将数据模板应用于数据类型并将ax:Key指定给DataTemplates,然后使用该键在UI中应用Template / ItemTemplate?

A ListBox contains items of various DataTypes (all derived from a common base class) and as it is now, all magically works without specifying a TemplateSelector, as the correct template is chosen by the actual data type of the item in the listBox. ListBox包含各种数据类型的项目(所有数据类型都来自公共基类),现在它们都可以在不指定TemplateSelector的情况下神奇地工作,因为正确的模板是由listBox中项目的实际数据类型选择的。 If I went for using the x:Key to apply DataTemplates, would I then need to write a TemplateSelector? 如果我使用x:Key来应用DataTemplates,那么我是否需要编写TemplateSelector?

I am new to this and only experimenting with DataTemplates. 我是新手,只是试验DataTemplates。 One moment I think, wow, how cool! 我想,哇,有多酷! And then I want a different data template for the same data type in a different list box and ooops, I can't do it :-) Help please? 然后我想在不同的列表框和ooops中为相同的数据类型使用不同的数据模板,我不能这样做:-)请帮助吗?

You can specify an ItemTemplate specifically for your ListBox : 您可以专门为ListBox指定ItemTemplate

            <!-- your template here -->

Or alternatively, if you have already defined your DataTemplate in a ResourceDictionary somewhere: 或者,如果您已经在某个ResourceDictionary定义了DataTemplate

<DataTemplate x:Key="MyTemplate">
      <!-- your template here -->

Then you can reference it on the ListBox using: 然后你可以使用以下方法在ListBox上引用它:

<ListBox ItemTemplate="{StaticResource MyTemplate}" />

You do not need to write a template selector for either of these approaches to work 您无需为这些方法中的任何一种编写模板选择器

Example in response to comments 响应评论的示例

The example below demonstrates defining a default DataTemplate for a data type (in this case, String ) for a window and then overridding it within a listbox: 下面的示例演示了为窗口定义数据类型(在本例中为String )的默认DataTemplate ,然后在列表框中覆盖它:

<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
        <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type sys:String}">
            <Rectangle Height="10" Width="10" Margin="3" Fill="Red" />
                    <Rectangle Height="10" Width="10" Margin="3" Fill="Blue" />


This produces the following UI: 这会产生以下UI:


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