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[英]How to consume WCF Data Service Operations in client .NET Application?

Alright folks, I am a newcomer to Data Services and LINQ in desperate need of some guidance. 好的伙计们,我是数据服务和LINQ的新手,迫切需要一些指导。 In just a few days I have encountered numerous unexpected obstacles and I'm stuck on one now. 在短短几天内,我遇到了许多意想不到的障碍,现在我就陷入了困境。 I'm hoping these are just typical frustrations of learning a new tool. 我希望这些只是学习新工具的典型挫折。

I have a WCF Data Service for serving up data from a Sql Server database table of Gps coordinates. 我有一个WCF数据服务,用于从Gps坐标的Sql Server数据库表提供数据。 In particular I have a service operation method that allows you to specify a decimal precision and latitude/longitude range to produce a more general representation of the data. 特别是我有一个服务操作方法,它允许您指定小数精度和纬度/经度范围,以产生更一般的数据表示。

In a web browser it appears to work just as expected. 在Web浏览器中,它似乎按预期工作。 However when I try to call the operation from my client application, the list returned to the client differs from the list generated by the service. 但是,当我尝试从客户端应用程序调用该操作时,返回给客户端的列表与服务生成的列表不同。

I will use pieces of my code to explain the details: 我将使用我的代码片段来解释细节:

Data Service Operation: 数据服务运营:

    // This is my service operation that I need to call from my client app (see below). 
    // It should return an IEnumerable<Gps> (Gps is one of my Entity Model 
    // types) list of distinct GPS rounded to the number of decimal positions 
    // specified and within the range specified.
    public IEnumerable<Gps> GetGpsView(int decimalPlaces, decimal minLatitude, decimal minLongitude, decimal maxLatitude, decimal maxLongitude)
        // I must first return a list of anonymous-type objects
        // because LINQ does not seem to allow me to construct my
        // Gps object within the query (one of those other issues
        // I had to tip-toe around).
        var list = (from g in this.CurrentDataSource.Gps
                    where g.Latitude >= minLatitude &&
                             g.Latitude <= maxLatitude &&
                             g.Longitude >= minLongitude &&
                             g.Longitude <= maxLongitude
                    select new
                        Id = 0,
                        Latitude = Math.Round(g.Latitude, decimalPlaces),
                        Longitude = Math.Round(g.Longitude, decimalPlaces)

        // Now that I have my results, I need to convert the items in the
        // list to my Gps entity object.
        IEnumerable<Gps> gpsList = list.ConvertAll<Gps>(item => new Gps
                                Id = item.Id,
                                Latitude = item.Latitude,
                                Longitude = item.Longitude

        return gpsList;

If I debug the above method (running it on Visual Studio's virtual server) when called from my client app, gpsList appears to contain the proper data just before returning to the client. 如果我从客户端应用程序调用上面的方法(在Visual Studio的虚拟服务器上运行它),gpsList似乎在返回客户端之前包含正确的数据。 Using my test parameters, I get a list of 200 distinct Gps objects whose values are rounded to the decimal places I specify. 使用我的测试参数,我得到一个200个不同Gps对象的列表,其值被舍入到我指定的小数位。

However, once the results are returned to the calling method in my client app, I have a list of 200 Gps objects, but they are all the SAME value. 但是,一旦结果返回到我的客户端应用程序中的调用方法,我有一个200 Gps对象的列表,但它们都是SAME值。 To be specific, the duplicated value is the LAST value in my expected result set. 具体而言,重复值是我预期结果集中的最后一个值。 I confirmed this by calling this operation in a web browser and viewing the results. 我通过在Web浏览器中调用此操作并查看结果来确认这一点。

Client Method: 客户方法:

// Partial class extension of code auto-generated by service reference.
public partial class HsiSideBySideEntities
    public List<Gps> GetGpsView(int decimalPlaces, decimal minLatitude, decimal minLongitude, decimal maxLatitude, decimal maxLongitude)
        this.IgnoreMissingProperties = true;

        // Format my relative URI string.
        string uri = string.Format("/GetGpsView?decimalPlaces={0}&minLatitude={1}M&minLongitude={2}M&maxLatitude={3}M&maxLongitude={4}M", decimalPlaces, minLatitude, minLongitude, maxLatitude, maxLongitude);

        // If I debug both client and service at the same time, when I step over this
        // line, it does reach my data service - and as I mentioned above, on the
        // service end it appears to generate the correct results.
        List<Gps> gpsList = this.Execute<Gps>(new Uri(uri, UriKind.Relative)).ToList();

        // However, the results are returned to the client code, my list contains
        // duplicates of the last expected record.
        return gpsList;

I tried removing the "ToList()" portion of the "Execute()" line, but when I try to view the result set in the debugger, it shows an exception that reads, "Only a single enumeration is supported by this IEnumerable." 我尝试删除“Execute()”行的“ToList()”部分,但是当我尝试在调试器中查看结果集时,它会显示一个异常,其中显示“此IEnumerable仅支持单个枚举。 “

As far as I can tell, my client code is first suspect. 据我所知,我的客户端代码首先是可疑的。 After all, every other test shows that my data service operation is producing the desired results. 毕竟,每个其他测试都显示我的数据服务操作正在产生所需的结果。

Do I need to do something different to obtain the IEnumerable list of objects from the data service? 我是否需要做一些不同的事情才能从数据服务中获取IEnumerable对象列表?

I understand there is a CreateQuery() option, but I've read that Execute() is the more appropriate route for this scenario. 我知道有一个CreateQuery()选项,但我已经读过,Execute()是这个场景更合适的路径。

It's probably because of this: 这可能是因为:

select new
    Id = 0,
    Latitude = Math.Round(g.Latitude, decimalPlaces),
    Longitude = Math.Round(g.Longitude, decimalPlaces)

I assume that the Id property of the Gps entity is your primary key. 我假设Gps实体的Id属性是您的主键。 In your example you are setting the Id of each returned Gps to zero. 在您的示例中,您将每个返回的Gps的Id设置为零。 In the WCF Data Services client library, entities with the same primary key are treated as the same instance both for change tracking reasons and so that object graphs behave as you would expect in an object-oriented, reference-tracked environment such as .NET. 在WCF数据服务客户端库中,具有相同主键的实体由于更改跟踪原因而被视为同一实例,因此对象图的行为与在面向对象的引用跟踪环境(如.NET)中所期望的一样。

If for some reason you can't give the Gps entities a unique Id, consider using a Guid for the primary key. 如果由于某种原因您无法为Gps实体提供唯一ID,请考虑使用Guid作为主键。

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