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[英]create a blank database from a production database programmatically

For software testing purposes I would like to create a sterile clone (with all data blanked out) of the production database. 为了进行软件测试,我想创建一个生产数据库的无菌克隆(所有数据都被清空)。 This way I can run my unit tests on a known set of records every time. 这样,我可以每次对一组已知记录运行单元测试。 I am looking to try and do this programmatically within the unit tests themselves so I can ensure that the tables contain exactly the test data that I need for the functional tests. 我正在尝试尝试在单元测试本身中以编程方式进行此操作,因此我可以确保表格完全包含功能测试所需的测试数据。

I have found the following information relating to creating an Access database within C#. 我发现以下有关在C#中创建Access数据库的信息 Note: I know Access probably isn't the best solution, but its good enough! 注意:我知道Access可能不是最好的解决方案,但是已经足够好了!

What I would like to know, is there a way of using TableAdapters (perhaps) to replicate the production database schema (without any data) within a blank Access database file? 我想知道的是,有没有一种方法可以使用TableAdapters(也许)在空白的Access数据库文件中复制生产数据库架构(不包含任何数据)?

Do this: 做这个:

  • create a copy of the access file; 创建访问文件的副本; production -> test 生产->测试
  • connect to test database 连接到测试数据库
  • enumerate all tables in the database 枚举数据库中的所有表
  • run DELETE * FROM [table] for all tables. 对所有表运行DELETE * FROM [table] run it several times if you have FK dependencies until there is no error - or TRUNCATE [table] as commented 如果您有FK依赖项,请运行几次,直到没有错误-或按注释所示TRUNCATE [table]
  • compact the database 压缩数据库

I do not have much experience with Access, but generally you would make a CREATE script for this purpose. 我在Access方面经验不足,但是通常您会为此创建一个CREATE脚本。 Most database tools have a function for creating such a script. 大多数数据库工具都具有创建此类脚本的功能。 Such a script basically is a set of SQL statements that create all the objects (eg databases, views). 这样的脚本基本上是一组创建所有对象(例如数据库,视图)的SQL语句。

Searching for CREATE script and Access will give you some starting points . 搜索CREATE脚本和Access将为您提供一些起点

I have bad experiences with Access as a production database. 我对Access作为生产数据库有不好的经验。 I won't recommend. 我不推荐。 Either go with SQLite or Firebird. 要么使用SQLite要么使用Firebird。

Secondly, yes you can use TableAdapters. 其次,是的,您可以使用TableAdapters。 You need to create two connections for each db. 您需要为每个数据库创建两个连接。 But I think there might be tools available to do this. 但是我认为可能有工具可以做到这一点。

Edited ** 编辑**

How big is the database? 数据库有多大? For up to 4GB, Oracle Express Edition might help. 对于高达4GB的空间,Oracle Express Edition可能会有所帮助。 Also, it will be easy to clone from Oracle to Oracle. 同样,从Oracle克隆到Oracle也很容易。

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