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[英]How can I speed up this SQL query?

I'm fairly new to SQL, and I'm trying to work out how to speed up a complex SQL query in postgres, perhaps by improving my use of indexes. 我对SQL还是很陌生,我正在尝试找出如何通过改善索引的使用来加快postgres中复杂SQL查询的速度。 This is the query: 这是查询:

    (SELECT ev.code FROM classification_item ci, enumeration_value ev
        WHERE ev.key_id = :ak_0
        AND ci.entry_id = t.id AND ci.value_id = ev.id) AS axis_0,
    (SELECT ev.code FROM classification_item ci, enumeration_value ev
        WHERE ev.key_id = :ak_1
        AND ci.entry_id = t.id AND ci.value_id = ev.id) AS axis_1,
    SUM(t.amount) as amount,
    (SELECT ev.code FROM classification_item ci, enumeration_value ev
        WHERE ev.key_id = :key_time_id
        AND ci.entry_id = t.id AND ci.value_id = ev.id) AS time
FROM "entry" t
WHERE t.dataset_id = :dataset_id
AND t.id IN (SELECT ci.entry_id FROM classification_item ci, enumeration_value ev
    WHERE ev.key_id = :k_0
    AND ev.code = :v_0 AND ci.value_id = ev.id)
GROUP BY time, axis_0, axis_1

This is basically the database schema (as defined in Pylons): 这基本上是数据库架构(在Pylons中定义):

table_dataset = Table('dataset', meta.metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
table_entry = Table('entry', meta.metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('dataset_id', Integer, ForeignKey('dataset.id')),
    Column('amount', Float()),
table_classification_item = Table('classification_item', meta.metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('entry_id', Integer, ForeignKey('entry.id'), index=True),
    Column('value_id', Integer, ForeignKey('enumeration_value.id'), index=True)
table_enumeration_value = Table('enumeration_value', meta.metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('key_id', Integer, ForeignKey('key.id'), index=True),
    Column('code', UnicodeText(), index=True),

And it has indexes as follows: 它的索引如下:

"dataset_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"entry_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"classification_item_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"ix_classification_item_entry_id" btree (entry_id)
"ix_classification_item_value_id" btree (value_id)
"enumeration_value_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"ix_enumeration_value_code" btree (code)
"ix_enumeration_value_key_id" btree (key_id)

Am I missing any obvious index that would speed up the query? 我是否缺少任何明显的索引来加快查询速度? In particular: 尤其是:

  • should I be using 'clustered' indexes? 我应该使用“聚集”索引吗?
  • should I also be indexing amount on entry , or would that make no difference to SUM(t.amount) as amount ? 我应该还可以索引amountentry ,或将是作出没有区别SUM(t.amount) as amount

Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。 I know this is a pretty complex question, so please tell me if I can do anything to improve it. 我知道这是一个非常复杂的问题,所以请告诉我是否可以做任何改进。

------ UPDATE -------------- ------更新--------------

The output from EXPLAIN ANALYZE on the above query. 上面查询中EXPLAIN ANALYZE的输出

If the enumeration_value table is small, I guess you can get some improvment by making axis_1 and axis_0 as join and add an extra index. 如果enumeration_value表很小,我想您可以通过将axis_1axis_0axis_0并添加额外的索引来获得一些改进。

something like this (not tested) 像这样的东西(未经测试)

CREATE INDEX idx_ci_vi_ei ON classification_item(value_id, entry_id);

CREATE INDEX idx_id_ki ON enumeration_value(id, key_id);

    ci_0.code AS axis_0,
    ci_1.code AS axis_1,
    SUM(t.amount) as amount,
    ci_t.code AS time
   "entry" t,
   (SELECT ev.code FROM classification_item ci, enumeration_value ev
        WHERE ev.key_id = :ak_0 AND ci.value_id = ev.id) ci_0,
   (SELECT ev.code FROM classification_item ci, enumeration_value ev
        WHERE ev.key_id = :ak_1 AND ci.value_id = ev.id) ci_1,
   (SELECT ev.code FROM classification_item ci, enumeration_value ev
        WHERE ev.key_id = :key_time_id AND ci.value_id = ev.id) ci_t
WHERE t.dataset_id = :dataset_id 
AND t.id IN (SELECT ci.entry_id FROM classification_item ci, enumeration_value ev
    WHERE ev.key_id = :k_0
    AND ev.code = :v_0 AND ci.value_id = ev.id)
AND t.id = ci_0.entry_id AND t.id = ci_1.entry_id AND t.id = ci_t.entry_id
GROUP BY time, axis_0, axis_1


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