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[英]Avoiding a Full Table Scan in MySQL


通常,通过确保在WHEREJOINORDER BY子句中出现的字段上有可用的索引。

Index your data. 索引您的数据。

Write queries that use those indexes. 编写使用这些索引的查询。

Anything more than that we need specifics. 除此之外我们还需要具体细节。


Use a LIMIT clause when you know how many rows you are expecting to return, for example if you are looking for a record with a known ID field that is unique, limit your select to 1, that way mysql will stop searching after it finds the first record. 当您知道要返回多少行时使用LIMIT子句,例如,如果您要查找具有唯一的已知ID字段的记录,请将select限制为1,这样mysql将在找到后停止搜索第一记录。 The same goes for updates and deletes. 更新和删除也是如此。

SELECT * FROM `yourTable` WHERE `idField` = 123 LIMIT 1

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