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[英]vb.net with Database

in java we have this name space "javax.persistence". 在Java中,我们有这个名称空间“ javax.persistence”。 this namespace allows you to create a data base when you running your application with no necessary to open sqlserver and create a database and table in it it created automatically. 使用该名称空间,您可以在运行应用程序时创建数据库,而无需打开sqlserver并在其中自动创建的数据库和表中创建数据库。 is there a name Space in vb.net works the same as "javax.persistence" or not? vb.net中是否有名称空间与“ javax.persistence”相同? if yes please write a sample of code as an example to be more specific? 如果是,请编写代码示例作为更具体的示例? thx at all 谢谢

Have you considered Code First using the Entity Framework? 您是否考虑过使用实体框架进行代码优先? It does require a SQL server but the schema design is driven from your domain model. 它确实需要SQL Server,但是架构设计是由您的域模型驱动的。 Scott Gu has a great introduction here 顾志伟(Scott Gu) 在这里有很棒的介绍

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