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[英]Deploy Mono application without Framework on Mac

I have ac#-program, that works well under Mono and on OSX, I also was able to create an app-directory for that program. 我有一个#-program,在Mono和OSX下运行良好,我也能够为该程序创建一个app-directory。 Now I want to distribute it, but I don't want to force the user to install mono, since this is unusual under Mac (and has some side-effects, that I want to avoid). 现在我想分发它,但我不想强迫用户安装mono,因为这在Mac下是不寻常的(并且有一些副作用,我想避免)。

I already tried to build a bundle with mkbundle, but mkbundle doesn't work correctly under Mac. 我已经尝试使用mkbundle构建一个包,但mkbundle在Mac下无法正常工作。

I should add, that I use GTK. 我应该补充一点,我使用的是GTK。

What is the easiest way to build a compleley independent app under Mac? 在Mac下构建完全独立应用程序的最简单方法是什么? Is there any good tutorial? 有什么好的教程吗? Is there a good tool, that could help? 有没有一个好工具可以帮忙?

Ask Miguel (December 9 2010 blog post) 问米格尔(2010年12月9日博客文章)

MonoMac: we just released MonoMac 0.4 and we are now adding support for creating self-contained application bundles that developers can redistribute themselves or even submit to the Apple AppStore for MacOS. MonoMac:我们刚刚发布了MonoMac 0.4,现在我们正在添加对创建自包含应用程序包的支持,开发人员可以自行重新分发甚至提交到Apple AppStore for MacOS。

MonoMac has been a lot of work, mostly, due to popular contributions. 由于受欢迎的贡献,MonoMac已经做了很多工作。 There is a nice emerging community of new contributors to Mono that has sparked in the last few weeks. 在过去的几周里,Mono有一个新兴的新贡献者社区。

It should be possible to use mkbundle in the linking of mono assemblies to produce a "portable app" with no requirement on installing the runtime. 应该可以在单声道程序集的链接中使用mkbundle来生成“便携式应用程序”,而无需安装运行时。

http://www.mono-project.com/Linker http://www.mono-project.com/Linker

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