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wget with errorlevel bash output

[英]wget with errorlevel bash output

I want to create a bash file (.sh) which does the following: 我想创建一个bash文件(.sh),它执行以下操作:

I call the script like ./download.sh www.blabla.com/bla.jpg 我把脚本称为./download.sh www.blabla.com/bla.jpg

the script has to echo then if the file has downloaded or not... 如果文件已下载,脚本必须回显...

How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点? I know I can use errorlevel but I'm new to linux so... 我知道我可以使用errorlevel但是我是linux新手所以......

Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

Typically applications in Linux will set the value of the environment variable $? 通常Linux中的应用程序会设置环境变量$的值? on failure. 失败了。 You can examine this return code and see if it gets you any error for wget. 您可以检查此返回代码,看看它是否为您带来了wget的任何错误。

wget $1 2>/dev/null
export RC=$?
if [ "$RC" = "0" ]; then
   echo $1 OK
    echo $1 FAILED

You could name this script download.sh. 您可以将此脚本命名为download.sh。 Change the permissions to 755 with chmod 755. Call it with the name of the file you wish to download. 使用chmod 755将权限更改为755.使用您要下载的文件的名称调用它。 ./download.sh www.google.com ./download.sh www.google.com

You could try something like: 你可以尝试类似的东西:


[ -n $1 ] || {
    echo "Usage: $0 [url to file to get]" >&2
    exit 1

wget $1

[ $? ] && {
  echo "Could not download $1" | mail -s "Uh Oh" you@yourdomain.com
  echo "Aww snap ..." >&2
  exit 1

# If we're here, it downloaded successfully, and will exit with a normal status

When making a script that will (likely) be called by other scripts, it is important to do the following: 制作一个(可能)被其他脚本调用的脚本时,重要的是要执行以下操作:

  • Ensure argument sanity 确保论证的健全性
  • Send e-mail, write to a log, or do something else so someone knows what went wrong 发送电子邮件,写入日志或做其他事情,以便有人知道出了什么问题

The >&2 simply redirects the output of error messages to stderror , which allows a calling script to do something like this: >&2只是将错误消息的输出重定向到stderror ,这允许调用脚本执行以下操作:

foo-downloader >/dev/null 2>/some/log/file.txt

Since it is a short wrapper, no reason to forsake a bit of sanity :) 因为它是一个短的包装,没有理由放弃一点理智:)

This also allows you to selectively direct the output of wget to /dev/null , you might actually want to see it when testing, especially if you get an e-mail saying it failed :) 这也允许你有选择地将wget的输出定向到/dev/null ,你可能真的想在测试时看到它,特别是如果你收到一封电子邮件说它失败了:)

wget executes in non-interactive way. wget以非交互方式执行。 This means that wget work in the background and you can't catch de return code with $?. 这意味着wget在后台工作,你不能用$?来捕获de返回代码。

One solution it's to handle the "--server-response" property, searching http 200 status code Example: 一个解决方案是处理“--server-response”属性,搜索http 200状态代码示例:

wget --server-response -q -o wgetOut http://www.someurl.com
sleep 5
_wgetHttpCode=`cat wgetOut | gawk '/HTTP/{ print $2 }'`
if [ "$_wgetHttpCode" != "200" ]; then
    echo "[Error] `cat wgetOut`"

Note: wget need some time to finish his work, for that reason I put "sleep 5". 注意:wget需要一些时间来完成他的工作,因此我把“睡5”。 This is not the best way to do but worked ok for test the solution. 这不是最好的方法,但可以测试解决方案。

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