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WSE 3.0 + X509 + Java

[英]WSE 3.0 + X509 + java

Actually I have to work with a web service written in .NET with WSE 3.0 and digital signature and encryption of soap messages. 实际上,我必须使用以.NET编写的Web服务,该服务具有WSE 3.0,数字签名和肥皂消息加密功能。 I have to make a java client in order to consume the .net webservice. 我必须制作一个Java客户端才能使用.net Web服务。

I have the wsdl file, a CA.cer file, a certoencrypt.cer file from the provider and I would like to know where to start in order to make the java client so it can consume the web service. 我有提供程序提供的wsdl文件,CA.cer文件和certoencrypt.cer文件,我想知道从哪里开始才能制作Java客户端,以便它可以使用Web服务。

Any help would be appreciated. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。

I don't know anything about wse 3.0, but that should have no limitation on creating a client to call the web-service from java. 我对wse 3.0一无所知,但是在创建客户端以从Java调用Web服务方面应该没有任何限制。 Generally, you should start by creating web-service proxy classes using something like JAX-WS RI (I'd recommend this since its packaged with JDK 1.6) or Axis2 . 通常,您应该首先使用JAX-WS RI (自JDK 1.6以来就推荐使用)或Axis2来创建Web服务代理类。 Another useful tool for web-services development is SOAP UI . 用于Web服务开发的另一个有用的工具是SOAP UI

From within soap ui, you can generate the above mentioned proxy classes using a variety of web service frameworks including the 2 mentioned above. 在soap ui内,您可以使用各种Web服务框架(包括上述2个框架)来生成上述代理类。 once you have those classes generated, your going to want to reference them from your project and use them to make your web-service calls. 一旦生成了这些类,就将要从项目中引用它们,并使用它们进行Web服务调用。 there are examples of how to do this all over the internet, and the implementation details will depend on the framework you choose to use. 有一些示例说明了如何在整个Internet上执行此操作,实现细节将取决于您选择使用的框架。

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