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[英]Python: Random combination from two files

New to python, bear with me. 蟒蛇新手,忍受我。 I have two text files, each has a word on a line (some funny words). 我有两个文本文件,每个文本都有一个单词(一些有趣的单词)。 I want to create a third file which has the random combination of those. 我想创建一个随机组合的第三个文件。 with a space between them. 他们之间有空间。

Example: 例:



Smile Orange
Sad Apple
Noob Face

How can I Python this? 我怎么能用Python呢?

Thanks! 谢谢!

from __future__ import with_statement
import random
import os

with open('File1', 'r') as f1:
    beginnings = [word.rstrip() for word in f1]

with open('File2', 'r') as f2:
    endings = [word.rstrip() for word in f2]

with open('File3', 'w') as f3:
    for beginning in beginnings:
        f3.write('%s %s' % (beginning, random.choice(endings)))

Start by parsing the input files, so you end up with a list of two lists, each containing the words in one if the files. 首先解析输入文件,最后得到两个列表的列表,每个列表包含文件中的单词。 We will also use the shuffle method in the random module to randomize them: 我们还将在随机模块中使用shuffle方法对它们进行随机化:

from random import shuffle

words = []
for filename in ['File1', 'File2']:
  with open(filename, 'r') as file: 
    # Opening the file using the with statement will ensure that it is properly
    # closed when your done.

    words.append((line.strip() for line in file.readlines()))
    # The readlines method returns a list of the lines in the file

    # Shuffle will randomize them
    # The -1 index refers to the last item (the one we just added)

Next we have to write our list of output words to a file: 接下来,我们必须将输出字列表写入文件:

with open('File3', 'w') as out_file:
  for pair in zip(words):
    # The zip method will take one element from each list and pair them up

    out_file.write(" ".join(pair) + "\n")
    # The join method will take the pair of words and return them as a string, 
    # separated by a space.
import random    
list1 = [ x.strip() for x in open('file1.txt', 'r').readlines()]
list2 = [ x.strip() for x in open('file2.txt', 'r').readlines()]
for word1, word2 in zip(list1, list2):
    print word1, word2

Try something like this: 尝试这样的事情:

file1 = []
for line in open("file1.txt"):
#or just list(open("file1.txt"))
file3 = open('file3.txt','w')

and work off that. 并解决这个问题。 Look at the random module and its functions. 查看random模块及其功能。 ( http://docs.python.org/library/random.html ) http://docs.python.org/library/random.html

If you are new to Python, look at a tutorial like Dive into Python ( http://diveintopython3.ep.io/ ), available online. 如果您不熟悉Python,请查看在线提供的Dive into Python( http://diveintopython3.ep.io/ )等教程。

you can do something like 你可以做点什么

f = open(file,'r')
data = [" "]

while data[-1] != "":
    data += [f.readline()
# do this a second time for the second file

and then 接着

out = ""
from random import randint
for x in xrange(len(data)):
     y = randint(0, len(data) -1)
     if data[y] != 0: 
        out += data[y] + "\n"
        data[y] = 0

f3 = open(third file,'w+b')

this is a terrible code, but it should work 这是一个可怕的代码,但它应该工作

this is a quick try... 这是一个快速尝试......

import random

f1 = [line.rstrip() for line in open('file1', 'r').readlines()]
f2 = [line.rstrip() for line in open('file2', 'r').readlines()]

out = zip(f1, f2)

f3 = open('file3', 'w')
for k, v in out:
    f3.write(k + ' ' + v + '\n')

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