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[英]Is there a popup soft keyboard in the Android emulator?

As a noob I wrote an app with lots of layout screens and it worked OK in emulation but when I ran it on my Droid Incredible the soft keyboard popping up changed the layout of a LinearLayout I was using - shoving some elements aside and changing the height of others! 作为一个菜鸟,我编写了一个具有很多布局屏幕的应用程序,并且在仿真中可以正常工作,但是当我在Droid Incredible上运行该应用程序时,弹出的软键盘更改了我正在使用的LinearLayout的布局-将一些元素推到一边并更改高度别人的! I fixed it by adding android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan” to the Activity element of the manifest but I really would have preferred to discover this problem in emulation and not on a real phone. 我通过在清单的Activity元素中添加android:windowSoftInputMode =“ adjustPan”来解决此问题,但我确实更希望在仿真中而不是在真实手机上发现此问题。

So, is there a popup soft keyboard in the Emulator and if so how do I invoke it? 那么,模拟器中是否有弹出软键盘,如果是的话,我该如何调用它?


Yes, of course. 当然是。 You can go to the emulator's edit page, do not choose the "Use handware keyboard". 您可以转到仿真器的编辑页面,而不选择“使用手工键盘”。

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