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[英]Handle ReflectionTypeLoadException during MEF composition

I am using a DirectoryCatalog in MEF to satisfy imports in my application. 我在MEF中使用DirectoryCatalog来满足我的应用程序中的导入。 However, there are sometimes obfuscated assemblies in the directory that cause a ReflectionTypeLoadException when I try to compose the catalog. 但是,当我尝试编写目录时,目录中有时会出现模糊的程序集导致ReflectionTypeLoadException

I know I can get round it by using a separate directory or by using a search filter on the DirectoryCatalog but I want a more general way to solve the problem. 我知道我可以通过使用单独的目录或使用DirectoryCatalog上的搜索过滤器来绕过它,但我想要一种更通用的方法来解决问题。 Is there some way I can handle the exception and allow composition to continue? 有什么方法可以处理异常并允许组合继续吗? Or is there another more general solution? 还是有另一个更通用的解决方案吗?

To save others from writing their own implementation of the SafeDirectoryCatalog, here is the one I came up with based upon Wim Coenen's suggestions: 为了避免其他人编写他们自己的SafeDirectoryCatalog实现,这是我根据Wim Coenen的建议提出的:

public class SafeDirectoryCatalog : ComposablePartCatalog
    private readonly AggregateCatalog _catalog;

    public SafeDirectoryCatalog(string directory)
        var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(directory, "*.dll", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

        _catalog = new AggregateCatalog();

        foreach (var file in files)
                var asmCat = new AssemblyCatalog(file);

                //Force MEF to load the plugin and figure out if there are any exports
                // good assemblies will not throw the RTLE exception and can be added to the catalog
                if (asmCat.Parts.ToList().Count > 0)
            catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException)
            catch (BadImageFormatException)
    public override IQueryable<ComposablePartDefinition> Parts
        get { return _catalog.Parts; }

DirectoryCatalog already has code to catch ReflectionTypeLoadException and ignore those assemblies. DirectoryCatalog已经有代码来捕获ReflectionTypeLoadException并忽略这些程序集。 Unfortunately, as I have reported , merely creating the AssemblyCatalog will not yet trigger the exception so that code doesn't work. 不幸的是,正如我所报告的那样 ,仅仅创建AssemblyCatalog还不会触发异常,因此代码不起作用。

The exception is actually triggered by the first call to AssemblyCatalog.Parts . 实际上,第一次调用AssemblyCatalog.Parts触发异常。

Instead of using the DirectoryCatalog from MEF, you will have to do it yourself: 而不是使用MEF的DirectoryCatalog ,您必须自己完成:

  • scan a directory for assemblies 扫描目录以查看程序集
  • load each assembly and creates a AssemblyCatalog for it 加载每个程序集并为其创建AssemblyCatalog
  • invoke AssemblyCatalog.Parts.ToArray() to force the exception, and catch it 调用AssemblyCatalog.Parts.ToArray()来强制异常,并捕获它
  • aggregate all the good catalogs with a AggregateCatalog 使用AggregateCatalog聚合所有好的目录

I was doing this from an API I was writing and the SafeDirectoryCatalog would not log multiple exports matching a single import from different assemblies. 我是从我正在编写的API中执行此操作,而SafeDirectoryCatalog不会记录与来自不同程序集的单个导入匹配的多个导出。 MEF debugging is typically done via debugger and TraceListener. MEF调试通常通过调试器和TraceListener完成。 I already used Log4Net and I didn't want someone to need to add another entry to the config file just to support logging. 我已经使用过Log4Net,我不希望有人需要在配置文件中添加另一个条目以支持日志记录。 http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dsplaisted/archive/2010/07/13/how-to-debug-and-diagnose-mef-failures.aspx I came up with: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dsplaisted/archive/2010/07/13/how-to-debug-and-diagnose-mef-failures.aspx我想出了:

    // I don't want people to have to add configuration information to get this logging. 
    // I know this brittle, but don't judge... please. It makes consuing the api so much
    // easier.
    private static void EnsureLog4NetListener()
            Assembly compositionAssembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof (CompositionContainer));
            Type compSource = compositionAssembly.GetType("System.ComponentModel.Composition.Diagnostics.CompositionTraceSource");

            PropertyInfo canWriteErrorProp = compSource.GetProperty("CanWriteError");
                                                    BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic |
                                                    BindingFlags.Static, null, null,

            Type traceSourceTraceWriterType =

            TraceSource traceSource = (TraceSource)traceSourceTraceWriterType.GetField("Source",
                                                                          BindingFlags.Public |
                                                                          BindingFlags.NonPublic |

            traceSource.Listeners.Add(new Log4NetTraceListener(logger));                
        catch (Exception e)
            logger.Value.Error("Cannot hook MEF compisition listener. Composition errors may be swallowed.", e);

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