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C - 错误:下标值既不是数组也不是指针

[英]C - error: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer

 * File:   main.c
 * Author: matthewmpp
 * Created on November 7, 2010, 2:16 PM

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

prime numbers.
should tell whether a number is prime or not prime.
by using other prime numbers.

int input_func() {
    char line[100];
    int n_input;

    while (1) {
        printf("Please enter a whole number.\n");
        fgets(line, sizeof (line), stdin);
        sscanf(line, "%d", &n_input);

        if (n_input >= 0)

        return (n_input);

int ifstatements_func(n_ifstate)
int n_ifstate;
    if (n_ifstate == 0) {
        printf("The number, %d, is not prime and has no factors.\n", n_ifstate);

    if (n_ifstate == 1) {
        printf("The number, %d, is not prime.\n", n_ifstate);
        printf("The factors of %d, is %d.\n", n_ifstate, n_ifstate);

    if (n_ifstate == 2) {
        printf("The number, %d, is a prime.\n", n_ifstate);
        printf("The factors of %d, are 1 and %d.\n", n_ifstate, n_ifstate);
    if (n_ifstate == 3) {
        printf("The number, %d, is a prime.\n", n_ifstate);
        printf("The factors of %d, are 1 and %d.\n", n_ifstate, n_ifstate);
    return (n_ifstate);

int square_root_func(n_prmfnc)
int n_prmfnc;
    int i; //counter

    float sq_root_f;
    int sq_root_i;

    int primes[100];
    int length_primes;

    primes[0] = 2; /*first prime is 2.*/
    primes[1] = 3; /*second prime is 3.*/
    length_primes = sizeof (primes);

    //printf ("before.sq_root.value of n_prmfnc=%d\n", n_prmfnc);
    sq_root_f = sqrt(n_prmfnc);
    sq_root_i = sq_root_f;
    //printf ("prmfnc.after.sq_root\n");
    //printf ("value of sq_root=%.3f\n", sq_root_f);
    //printf ("value of sq_root=%d\n", sq_root_i);

    return (sq_root_i);

int prime_func(sq_root_pf, n_pf)
int sq_root_pf;
int n_pf;
    //printf ("in.pf.beginning.of.func.sq_root_pf=%d\n", sq_root_pf);
    //printf ("in.pf.beginning.of.func.n_pf=%d\n", n_pf);

    int factor_counter = 0;
    int factor_temp;
    int prime_counter = 0;
    int prime_flag = 0;

    int primes_pf[100];
    int length_primes_pf = 0; //counter
    int i; //counter

    primes_pf[0] = 2;
    primes_pf[1] = 3;
    primes_pf[2] = 5;

    length_primes_pf = 3;
    //printf("length_primes_pf=%d\n", length_primes_pf);

    //printf ("before.for.in.pf\n");
    for (i = 0; i <= length_primes_pf; ++i) {
        //printf ("after.for.in.pf\n");
        if (primes_pf[i] == 0)
        else {
            if (primes_pf[i] <= sq_root_pf) {
                //printf("primes_pf.i=%d, sq_root_pf=%d\n", primes_pf[i], sq_root_pf);
                factor_temp = n_pf % primes_pf[i];
                //printf("value.of.factor_temp=%d\n", factor_temp);
                if (factor_temp == 0) {
                    //printf("value.factor_counter=%d\n", factor_counter);
                } else

                if (factor_counter == 0 && prime_counter > 0) {
                    prime_flag = 1; /*yes, number is prime.*/
                    primes_pf[length_primes_pf + 1] = n_pf;
                    //printf("length_primes_pf=%d\n", length_primes_pf);


    if (prime_flag == 1) {
        printf("The number, %d, is prime.\n", n_pf);
        printf("The factors of %d, is 1 and %d.\n", n_pf, n_pf);
    } else
        printf("The number, %d, is not prime.\n", n_pf);

    if (prime_flag == 0)
    pfactorization (primes_pf, length_primes_pf, n_pf);

    return (prime_flag);

int pfactorization(primes_fac, length_primes_fac, n_fac)
int primes_fac[];
int length_primes_fac;
int n_fac;
    int i;
    int j;

    int result;
    int n_temp;

    int z_array;
    int length_z_array=0;

    for (i=0; i<=length_primes_fac; ++i) {
        result = n_fac%primes_fac[i];
        if (result == 0) {
            n_temp = n_fac/primes_fac[i];

    printf ("The prime factorization is:");
    for (j = 0; j < length_z_array; ++j)
        printf("%d\n", z_array[j]);

int factors_func(n_ff)
int n_ff;
    int i;
    int j;

    int result;

    int factors[100];
    int length_factors = 0;

    for (i = 2; i < n_ff; ++i) {
        result = n_ff % i;
        if (result == 0) {
            factors[length_factors] = i;

    printf("The factors for %d are:\n", n_ff);

    for (j = 0; j < length_factors; ++j)
        printf("%d\n", factors[j]);

    printf("%d\n", n_ff);

    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

int main() {
    int n_main1; //number from input
    int n_main2; //number after if statements
    int sq_root_main; //square root of number from function
    int prime_flag_main; //value of 1 if it is a prime

    n_main1 = input_func();
    //printf("main.after.input.function=%d.\n", n_main1);

    n_main2 = ifstatements_func(n_main1);
    //printf("main.after.ifstatments.function=%d\n", n_main2);

    sq_root_main = square_root_func(n_main2);
    //printf("main.after.square_root_func_func=%d\n", sq_root_main);

    prime_flag_main = prime_func(sq_root_main, n_main2);
    //printf("main.after.prime_func=%d\n", prime_flag_main);


    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);


matthewmpp@annrogers:~/Programming/C.progs/Personal$ vim prime6.c
matthewmpp@annrogers:~/Programming/C.progs/Personal$ cc -c prime6.c
prime6.c: In function ‘pfactorization’:
prime6.c:171: error: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer
prime6.c:178: error: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer

STATEMENT; 声明; The function: pfactorization is supposed to find the prime factorization of a number. 函数:pfactorization应该找到一个数的素数因子分解。 It is called at the bottom of function: prime_func. 它在函数的底部调用:prime_func。 Data is being passed from prime_func to pfactorization. 数据正在从prime_func传递到pfactorization。 Code was working fine before I added this function. 在添加此功能之前,代码工作正常。

QUESTION: I don't understand this error message. 问题:我不明白这个错误信息。 What does it mean and how should I fix it? 它是什么意思,我应该如何解决它?

SOLVED: int z_array[100]; 求助:int z_array [100]; Thanks. 谢谢。

z_array is declared to be type int . z_array声明为int类型。 int is neither an array nor a pointer :) int既不是数组也不是指针:)

I'm guessing you meant to make it an int* . 我猜你的意思是把它变成一个int*

I can't tell which line is the correct line, but what that means is that you're using the indexing operator "[]" on something that isn't the correct type. 我无法确定哪一行是正确的行,但这意味着你在不正确类型的东西上使用索引运算符“[]”。


blah must be of type array, or pointer. blah必须是类型数组或指针。

Edit: Your code: 编辑:您的代码:

int z_array;
   printf("%d\n", z_array[j]);

z_array is declared as an int, int's can't be indexed z_array声明为int,int不能被索引

z_array只是声明为int ,并且您尝试使用方括号(如数组)对其进行索引。

z_array is not an array of integers it is a single integer. z_array不是整数数组,它是一个整数。 You cannot subsript it like z_array[var]. 你不能像z_array [var]那样将它包括在内。 To declare an array you can do int z_array[100] for example. 要声明一个数组,你可以做int z_array [100]。

int z_array;
printf("%d\n", z_array[j]);

z_array is not an int[] or an int* , thus z_array[i] is nonsensical. z_array不是int[]int* ,因此z_array[i]是荒谬的。

I suspect you may have intended to write 我怀疑你可能打算写

int *z_array = malloc((length_primes_fac + 1) * sizeof(int));

or something similar. 或类似的东西。 I haven't dug into the surrounding code to determine if that's realy the correct size or not. 我没有挖到周围的代码来确定这是否真的是正确的大小。

You seem to have solved your immediate problem, but your program is crawling with more subtle problems. 你好像已经解决了你的问题,但你的程序正在爬行,有更微妙的问题。 I have taken the liberty of rewriting it for you. 我冒昧地为你改写它。 There is a reason for every change I made, even the ones that seem trivial. 我做出的每一次改变都有一个原因,即使是那些看似微不足道的改变。 Please read it carefully and consider why I did what I did. 请仔细阅读并考虑为什么我做了我做的事情。 I am happy to answer specific questions about the changes. 我很乐意回答有关变化的具体问题。

/* factor.c - produce the prime factorization of a number.
   Uses the Sieve of Eratosthenes.  */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

static unsigned char *
compute_sieve(unsigned long root)
    unsigned char *sieve = malloc(root + 1);
    unsigned long i, j;

    /* all numbers are prime till proven otherwise */
    memset(sieve, 1, root + 1);

    /* 0 and 1 are not prime */
    sieve[0] = 0;
    sieve[1] = 0;

    for (i = 2; i <= root; i++) {
        if (!sieve[i])
        for (j = 2; i*j <= root; j++)
            sieve[i*j] = 0;

    return sieve;

static unsigned long *
compute_factors(unsigned long number, const unsigned char *sieve,
                unsigned long root, int *isPrime)
    unsigned long i;
    unsigned long *factors = calloc(root + 1, sizeof(unsigned long));

    *isPrime = 1;

    /* trial division by each prime in turn, starting with 2.  */
    for (i = 2; i <= root; i++) {
        if (!sieve[i])
        while (number % i == 0) {
            *isPrime = 0;
            number /= i;

    return factors;

static void
factor(unsigned long number)
    unsigned long root, i;
    unsigned char *sieve;
    unsigned long *factors;
    int isPrime;

    /* weed out base cases */
    if (number <= 3) {
        printf(" %lu\n", number);

    /* sieve needs to go up to the square root of NUMBER */
    root = (unsigned long) floor(sqrt(number));
    sieve = compute_sieve(root);
    factors = compute_factors(number, sieve, root, &isPrime);

    if (isPrime)
        printf(" %lu\n", number);
    else {
        for (i = 2; i <= root; i++) {
            while (factors[i]) {
                printf(" %lu", i);
                number /= i;
        if (number > 1)
          printf(" %lu", number);


static void
usage(char **argv)
    fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s NUMBER\n"
            "NUMBER must be a non-negative integer\n",

main(int argc, char **argv)
    unsigned long number;
    char *endptr;

    if (argc != 2) {
        return 1;

    number = strtoul(argv[1], &endptr, 10);
    if (endptr == argv[1] || *endptr != '\0') {
        return 1;

    return 0;

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