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[英]DefaultBrowser from Registry doesn't work

I'm trying to open a url in the default browser. 我正在尝试在默认浏览器中打开一个URL。 Obviously I thought that Shell Exec will open it in the default browser but it doesn't. 显然,我认为Shell Exec将在默认浏览器中将其打开,但不会。

Then I tried explicit: 然后我尝试显式:

Process.Start(GetDefaultBrowserPath(), "http://stackoverflow.com");

private static string GetDefaultBrowserPath()
    string key = @"htmlfile\shell\open\command";
    RegistryKey registryKey =
    Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(key, false);
    // get default browser path
    return ((string)registryKey.GetValue(null, null)).Split('"')[1];

It always returns Internet Explorer but not my default which is Firefox. 它总是返回Internet Explorer,但不返回默认值Firefox。 I tried it on several computers... 我在几台计算机上尝试过...

I don't care which way to call the link in the default browser, but it has to be the default 我不在乎哪种方式来调用默认浏览器的链接,但它必须是默认

Have you tried just running: 您是否尝试过仅运行:


My test application (below) opens the site in my default browser: 我的测试应用程序(如下)在默认浏览器中打开网站:

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace ProcessStartSample
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

In other words, let the operating system do the heavy work of working out what the users default browser is for you! 换句话说,让操作系统进行繁重的工作来确定用户的默认浏览器适合您! =) =)

Just Try this :) 只是尝试这个:)


And if you want to find your default browser you should open HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\http\\shell\\open\\command\\default key. 如果要查找默认浏览器,则应打开HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\http\\shell\\open\\command\\default键。

Please pay attention "http" not "htmlFile" 请注意“ http”而不是“ htmlFile”

EDIT: 编辑:

CODE: 码:

RegistryKey registryKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(@"http\shell\open\command", false);
string value = registryKey.GetValue("").ToString();

Windows will start the default browser on the user's system for you automatically if you just specify the URL to open: 如果您仅指定要打开的URL,则Windows将自动为您启动用户系统上的默认浏览器:


No need for any fancy Registry trickery, unless you are trying to ascertain which browser is set as the default. 除非您试图确定将哪个浏览器设置为默认浏览器,否则不需要花哨的注册表技巧。

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