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[英]PHP regular expression for alphanumeric and hypen input

Is it possible to validate input depending on whether it only contains a combination of letters, numbers and hyphens (where a hyphen is not repeated twice-in-a-row and does not begins/ends the string)? 是否可以根据输入是否仅包含字母,数字和连字符的组合(其中连字符在行中不重复两次并且不以字符串开头/结尾)来验证输入?

Thanks to Validate username as alphanumeric with underscores 感谢验证用户名为带下划线的字母数字

I know that the following validates a string based on alphanumeric input with underscores, would it be possible to alter this? 我知道以下内容可根据带下划线的字母数字输入来验证字符串,是否可以更改此字符串?

function validate_alphanumeric_underscore($str) 
    return preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/',$str);

Thank you in advance for your help! 预先感谢您的帮助!

This can be done quite easily with a single regular expression: 使用单个正则表达式可以很容易地做到这一点:


This meets all your criteria: 这符合您的所有条件:

  • No double hyphens 没有双连字符
  • No beginning/ending hyphens 没有开头/结尾的连字符
  • Works when strlen == 1 当strlen == 1时有效

Matches: 火柴:

Doesn't match: 不符合:

Play with it here . 在这里玩。

Assuming a minimum of 2 characters: 假设至少2个字符:

This will validate the general format (not starting or ending with a - ). 这将验证常规格式(不以-开头或结尾)。


Then add a simple check for double hyphens using strpos (if it's false, there is no -- in the string, so we want to return true . Otherwise, we want to return false , so that's why the false === is in there): 然后使用strpos添加一个简单的双连字符检查(如果为假,则字符串中没有-- ,所以我们想返回true 。否则,我们想返回false ,所以这就是false ===的原因):

false === strpos($string, '--');

So, you could do it as: 因此,您可以这样做:

function validateAlphaNumericUnderscore($string) {
    if (0 < preg_match('/^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]$/i', $string)) {
        return false === strpos($string, '--');
    return false;

Now, I'm sure there's a way to do it in a single regex (without needing the additional strpos ), but I'm blanking on that now. 现在,我敢肯定有一种方法可以在单个正则表达式中完成(不需要额外的strpos ),但是现在我对此空白。 This is a simple regex, and a simple second string comparison (non regex based). 这是一个简单的正则表达式,以及一个简单的第二个字符串比较(基于非正则表达式)。

Hopefully this suits your needs... 希望这能满足您的需求...

Edit: In fact, you could make this more efficient by checking for the -- first (since the string function is cheaper than the regex): 编辑:实际上,您可以通过首先检查--提高效率(因为字符串函数比正则表达式便宜):

function validateAlphaNumericUnderscore($string) {
    if (false === strpos($string, '--')
        return 0 < preg_match('/^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]$/i', $string);
    return false;

ircmaxell's answer uses a regex and a strpos() check, and is an answer I prefer, but here's how I did it with a single regex. ircmaxell的答案使用了正则表达式和strpos()检查,这是我更喜欢的答案,但是这是我使用单个正则表达式来完成的方法。 Disclaimer: this has vast room for improvement : 免责声明:这有很大的改进空间

function validate_alphanumeric_hyphenated($str) 
     * Match either one or more alphanumeric characters, or a sequence with
     * a series of alphanumeric characters without consecutive, leading
     * or trailing hyphens.
     * Is probably unnecessarily long.
    return preg_match("/^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]+|[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|-(?!-))*[a-zA-Z0-9])$/", $str);

You could do it with two regexes: 您可以使用两个正则表达式来做到这一点:

if( !preg_match('/(?:^-|-$|-{2,})/',$str) && preg_match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/',$str) ) {
     return true;

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