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Jibx - 如何使用值和属性解组/编组标记?

[英]Jibx - how to unmarshal/marshal tag with value and attribute?

   <MyTag name="voltage">12</Mytag>
   <MyTag name="Fuel">72</Mytag>

Sorry Guys, I did not meant to be lazy. 对不起伙计们,我本来不想偷懒。 Ok Here is the question: I have xml structure with above block of xml which some tags has both value and attribute in tag notation( MyTag has value of 12 and has an attribute name). 好的问题是:我的xml结构带有上面的xml块,其中一些标签在标记符号中具有值和属性(MyTag的值为12且具有属性名称)。 using Jibx how I can create binding schema for such case. 使用Jibx如何为这种情况创建绑定模式。 Obviously for xml tags with only value or with attributes without tag value is normal, but when you have both of them I don't know what to do. 显然,对于只有值的xml标签或没有标签值的属性是正常的,但是当你同时拥有它们时我不知道该怎么做。 Thanks. 谢谢。

Use <value/> element twice in your binding. 在绑定中使用<value/>元素两次。 Once with attribute and once with text styles. 一次使用attribute ,一次使用text样式。

For example - to bind the following StateData class to the XML you want... 例如 - 将以下StateData类绑定到您想要的XML ...

public class StateData {
  String name;
  String value;

...use the binding below: ...使用下面的绑定:

  <mapping name="stateData" class="StateData">
    <structure name="MyTag">
      <value style="attribute" name="name" field="name"/>
      <value style="text" field="value"/>

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