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jQuery Slide菜单悬停动作

[英]jQuery Slide menu hover action

ok thing is like this, I got 2 divs , one is my navigation , the other got the same number of li tags with almost same id's as my navigation, those li tags contains a graphic that suppose to slide when hover the nav. 好的事情是这样的,我有2个div ,一个是我的导航 ,另一个是具有与我的导航几乎相同的id的相同数量的li标签,这些li标签包含一个图形 ,该图形假定在导航时会滑动 Let me explain... 让我解释...

this is my nav 这是我的导航

<ul id="navInside">
  <li><a id="nInicio" href="index.php" >Inicio</a></li>
  <li><a id="nHistoria" href="history.php" >Historia</a></li>
  <li><a id="nQuienes" href="aboutus.php" >Quienes somos</a></li>

this is what should move 这是应该移动的

<ul id="navSlides">
  <li id="SnInicio"></li>
  <li id="SnHistoria"></li>
  <li id="SnQuienes"></li>

This is the jQuery code i got now.... 这是我现在得到的jQuery代码。

    $('#navInside li').hover(function (){
    $("#S" + this.id).animate({top: '0px'}, 500)}, function (){
    $("#S" + this.id).animate({top: '-70px'}, 500, 'swing');} 

Can you help me get the right selector for this to work? 您能帮我找到合适的选择器吗?

I been stuck for days... Thank you 我被困了好几天...谢谢

The id is on the anchor, not the <li> (which this refers to) so your hover should be: id位于锚点上,而不是<li>this指的是)上,因此您的悬停应该是:

$('#navInside li a').hover(function (){
  $("#S" + this.id).animate({top: '0px'}, 500);
}, function (){
  $("#S" + this.id).animate({top: '-70px'}, 500, 'swing');

Or, use the code you have and move the id up to the <li> , like this: 或者,使用您拥有的代码并将id移至<li> ,如下所示:

<ul id="navInside">
  <li id="nInicio"><a href="index.php" >Inicio</a></li>
  <li id="nHistoria"><a href="history.php" >Historia</a></li>
  <li id="nQuienes"><a href="aboutus.php" >Quienes somos</a></li>

Excuse me, I am unclear as to what $("#S" + this.id) is? 对不起,我不清楚$(“#S” + this.id)是什么? I don't see id="S" anywhere else in the html... 我在HTML的其他任何地方都看不到id =“ S”。

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