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[英]trouble decoding the serial GPS using readfile function

im trying to use readfile function to read the serial port in c++. 我试图使用readfile函数读取c ++中的串行端口。 i manage to open and read the serial port in c++. 我设法打开并读取C ++中的串行端口。 the problem i facing now is the decoding of data after i read from the serial port. 我现在面临的问题是从串行端口读取数据后对数据进行解码。 The below are my codes. 以下是我的代码。 When i run my code, my loop of decoding could not detect ((*&szChar == '$')), and it exit the loop by printing error. 当我运行代码时,我的解码循环无法检测到((*&szChar =='$')),并且由于打印错误而退出循环。 May i know how could i decode the gps data that i read from my serial port? 我可以知道如何解码从串行端口读取的gps数据吗? thanks 谢谢

char szChar[100];
int nRet;
DWORD  dwBytesRead = 10;
char   ReadBuffer[BUFFERSIZE] = {0};
nRet = ReadFile(hCom,&szChar,BUFFERSIZE-1,&dwBytesRead,NULL);
if((*&szChar == '$'))
    printf("%s\n", &szChar);

I have to say, I find your code quite confused and confusing. 我不得不说,我发现您的代码非常混乱和混乱。 Just for example, you're creating szChar as an array of 100 char , and ReadBuffer as an array of BUFFERSIZE char s. 举例来说,您将szChar创建为100个char数组,并将ReadBufferBUFFERSIZE char数组。 When you call ReadFile , however, you're passing the base address of szChar with the size given as BUFFERSIZE . 但是,当您调用ReadFile时,您将传递大小为BUFFERSIZE的szChar基地址。 Unless, by some coincidence, BUFFERSIZE happens to equal 100, that looks a lot like a potential buffer overrun. 除非巧合,否则BUFFERSIZE恰好等于100,这看起来很像潜在的缓冲区溢出。

Then we get to *&szChar . 然后我们到达*&szChar This doesn't really make much sense either. 这也不是很有意义。 From the looks of things, you probably want szChar[0] -- but even that's not really a good idea, because you might not receive the data in exactly line-sized pieces. 从外观szChar[0] ,您可能需要szChar[0] ,但这并不是一个好主意,因为您可能无法以完全行大小的片段接收数据。 As such, you probably want to scan through the data to find the '$'. 因此,您可能希望浏览数据以查找“ $”。

int Ret;
DWORD  BytesRead;
char   ReadBuffer[BUFFERSIZE] = {0};
Ret = ReadFile(hCom,ReadBuffer,sizeof(ReadBuffer)-1,&BytesRead,NULL);

ReadBuffer[BytesRead] = '\0';

if (ReadBuffer[0] == '$')
    printf(%s\n", ReadBuffer);

@Jerry: Thanks.. so i edited my code below to decode my data, is it correct way to put my ReadBuffer into another array for checking? @Jerry:谢谢..所以我在下面编辑了我的代码以解码数据,将ReadBuffer放入另一个数组进行检查是否正确?

char lastCommaPosition;
char  latitudeString[11];
char     stringRead[MAXSIZE]; 
char  tempString[MAXSIZE];
char  *pChar;
char  dummyChar;
float        latitude;
int          latDegrees;
float        latMinutes;
int     numLinesRead;

int Ret,i,j,k; 
  if (ReadBuffer[0] == '$') 
    i = 0;
    stringRead[i] = ReadBuffer;

stringRead[i+1] = '\0';

j = 0;
pChar = stringRead;
while(*(pChar+j) != ',') 
       tempString[j] = *(pChar+j);
 tempString[j] = '\0';

if(tempString[3] == 'G' && tempString[4] == 'G' && tempString[5] == 'A')
     pChar = stringRead;

      j = lastCommaPosition + 1;
      k = 0;
      while(*(pChar+j) != ',') 
       latitudeString[k] = *(pChar+j);
      lastCommaPosition = j;
      latitudeString[k] = '\0';

      sscanf(latitudeString, "%f", &latitude);
      latDegrees = (int)(latitude/100);
      latMinutes = (float)(latitude - latDegrees*100);
      printf("\t%02d DEG\t%2.4f MIN", latDegrees, latMinutes);

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