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[英]Character set issues in filepath using ruby on XP

I'm trying to do a File.exist?(file) but my ruby script doesn't find the file because of \\, spaces, - and . 我正在尝试做File.exist?(file)但是我的ruby脚本由于\\,空格,-和。而找不到该文件。 in the filepath. 在文件路径中。 I'm a beginner in ruby and need some help to fix this. 我是红宝石的初学者,需要一些帮助来解决此问题。

I assume it has to do with your OS, more then with Ruby. 我认为这与您的OS有关,而与Ruby有关。

file tèst.rb: 文件tèst.rb:

puts "Hello"
puts "smørebrød"

used in irb: 用于irb:

irb(main):001:0> require "tèst.rb"

Ruby can include a file with name tèst.rb just fine. Ruby可以包含名称为tèst.rb的文件。

irb(main):005:0> f = File.new("ÅÄÖ.txt")
irb(main):006:0> f.each {|l| p l }
    "\"Hej Verden\"\n"

loading a file with your requested characters and printing its lines ( pl ) works just fine. 用您要求的字符加载文件并打印其行( pl )效果很好。 I am running ruby 1.8.7 on Ubuntu Linux . 我在Ubuntu Linux上运行ruby 1.8.7 That is a rather old Ruby. 那是一个相当老的Ruby。

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