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[英]how to fetch values from array input in javascript

How do I properly fetch values from array in javascript: 如何正确地从JavaScript中的数组中获取值:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        function proc()
            var cost = document.yoh.coz.value;
            var qtybuy = document.yoh.qbuys.value;
            var st = cost * qtybuy;

            var tbox = document.yoh.subtotal;
            if (tbox)
                tbox.value = st;


    $prodname = $_GET['prodname'];
    $result = query_database("SELECT * FROM prod_table WHERE PRODUCT='$prodname'", "onstor", $link);
<?php while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) { ?>

<form name="yoh" method="get">
    Product id: <input type="text" name="prodid" value=""><br/>
    Cost: <input type="text" name="coz" value="<?php echo $row['S_PRICE']; ?>"><br/>
    Quantity to buy:<input type="text" name="qbuys" value="" onkeyup="proc();"></br>

    Subtotal:<input type="text" name="subtotal" value=""></br>

<?php } ?>

As you can see this program will just multiply the 2 values. 如您所见,该程序只会将2个值相乘。 One of the values would be fetched from the database, and the other comes from the user. 其中一个值将从数据库中获取,另一个则来自用户。 If I do it this way, I don't get any results: 如果以这种方式进行操作,则不会获得任何结果:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        function proc()
            var cost = document.yoh.coz[].value;
            var qtybuy = document.yoh.qbuys[].value;
            var st = cost * qtybuy;

            var tbox = document.yoh.subtotal[];
            if (tbox)
                tbox.value = st;


    $prodname = $_GET['prodname'];
    $result = query_database("SELECT * FROM prod_table WHERE PRODUCT='$prodname'", "onstor", $link);
<?php while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) { ?>

<form name="yoh" method="get">
    Product id: <input type="text" name="prodid[]" value=""><br/>
    Cost: <input type="text" name="coz[]" value="<?php echo $row['S_PRICE']; ?>"><br/>
    Quantity to buy:<input type="text" name="qbuys[]" value="" onkeyup="proc();"></br>

    Subtotal:<input type="text" name="subtotal[]" value=""></br>

<?php } ?>

Do I need to include the index manually? 我需要手动添加索引吗? What do I need to do to achieve the same results when using arrays. 使用数组时,我需要怎么做才能获得相同的结果。



You need to iterate through the arrays. 您需要遍历数组。 To iterate through an array (or object) in JavaScript: 要遍历JavaScript中的数组(或对象):

for (key in arr){
    // The key will be set to each key in the array (arr)
    // The value at that key will be arr[key] (like always)

I'm not entirely sure what your goal is, but in general, know that the "[]" syntax is PHP only, JavaScript treats it as any other name (and possibly as a syntax error). 我不能完全确定您的目标是什么,但总的来说,您知道“ []”语法仅是PHP,JavaScript会将其视为任何其他名称(并且可能会视为语法错误)。

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